New Beit Shemesh Yeshiva Begins Learning in Crown Heights

A new yeshiva in Beit Shemesh for English speaking bochurim, Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel, has started the school year in Crown Heights. They plan to continue in Eretz Yisroel after Tishrei.

A new yeshiva in Beit Shemesh for English speaking bochurim, Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel, has started the school year in Crown Heights. They plan to continue in Eretz Yisroel after Tishrei.

Shortly before Purim this year, a group of educators announced the establishment of Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel in Beit Shemesh. Geared for English speaking bochurim who wish to spend the year studying in Eretz Yisroel, it will be headed by menahel Rabbi Chaim Moss, Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Shimon Garbose, and mashpi’im Rabbi Mendel Marinovsky and Rabbi Elchonon Cohen.

To start off the year, they are learning in a shul on Union St. between Albany and Kingston.

“The learning is engaging,” shliach Schneur Pevzner said, “We are excited to be part of the new yeshiva.”

Moshe Gniwisch, a student of the new yeshiva, agreed. “The learning is amazing and challenging,” he said. “The environment is warm and accepting and we are very excited for the year in Eretz Yisroel.”

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