With large crowds banned from 770, the annual Chol Hamoed rally in 770 plans to move outdoors and take place in six shifts.
By Anash.org reporter
Every Chol Hamoed, thousands of children with their parents fill 770 for a grand Sukkos rally where they enjoy live musical performances, exciting entertainment and enthusiastically recite the twelve pesukim.
With 770 now closed to crowds and large gatherings discouraged, organizers have been working hard to make the rally happen and have come up with a creative solution.
The one large, indoor gathering will be replaced by six small rallies which will take place outside 770. While most details have yet to be announced, the rallies are planned for Thursday afternoon, beginning at 12 PM.
The change comes following consultations with local doctors, who recommended the move.
With lockdown to be imposed on Brooklyn and Crown Heights narrowly spared, rally organizers are working to bring simchas Yom Tov to everyone in the safest manner possible and ensure the neighborhood remains open.
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