A Plea for Ahavas Chinam: Help Save a Bochur’s Life

The final days of the Charidy campaign to save Mendel’s life coincide with the eve of Tisha B’av. Seize the moment and exercise Ahavas Chinam to rebuild the Bais Hamikdash and end this tortuously long golus.

It’s no secret that Ahavas Chinam is the key to rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash and ending this tortuously long exile. The campaign – A Fight for Mendel’s Life – is almost closing. Seize the moment – now’s our last chance to reach the goal of the campaign.

We deeply thank 6,000 donors who have responded to the campaign with an incredibly powerful surge of Ahavas Chinam and manifested their caring hearts to help the Bluming family continue the fight to save Mendel’s life, without worrying about the price tag.

Imagine the Zechus you will have to partner with this major Ahavas Chinam wave that was generated with this campaign. Please donate and continue to daven, say Tehilim and do Mitzvos for the speedy and full recovery of Menachem Mendel ben Nechama Dina.

And in the merit of your Ahavas Chinam, may we speedily greet Mashiach and witness the rebuilt Bais Hamikdash Now!


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