Yud Tes Kislev “Story Time” by Derher Kids

So this Thursday night, A Chassidisher Derher will host the first “Story Time” where your children can tune in live and listen to the story of the Alter Rebbe’s arrest and liberation.

On Thursday, the first-ever Derher for Kids Story Time will take place! 

Derher’s mission is to bring Yidden closer to the Rebbe and that includes children!

That’s why two years ago Derher launched the Derher for Kids podcast.

But people wanted more, so this year they added the Derher for Kids magazine. 

Still, the number one piece of feedback received was “We want more!”

So this Thursday night, A Chassidisher Derher will host the first “Story Time” where your children can tune in live and listen to the story of the Alter Rebbe’s arrest and liberation.

Kids connect with stories related in an exciting and dramatic way. Through “Story Time” your children will connect with the yom tov of Yud-Tes Kislev.

Not only will they hear the story animated by a wonderful storyteller, but a special emphasis will be put on the Rebbe’s celebration of the story and the reason this is such a special yom tov with the Rebbe.

This is a live event, happening on Thursday, 7:00 – 7:30 pm EST

You must register to join.
Click here to register.

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