YTTL Montreal: Elevating Education Since 1941 

Upon establishment in 1941, YTTL made a promise to its community members: that every child in Montreal would be given the chance to receive a quality Jewish education. They are still going strong.

I’m a Tomim and I’m proud… ‘cause forever that’s what I’ll be. 

Meet Rabbi Mendel Silberstein, a former YTTL student from 1984-1996. Now a shliach in Westchester NY, Rabbi Silberstein applies the learning tools he was given as a child to prepare Torah classes for adults in his community. 

Meet Jeffrey Harroch, MD., one of the many YTTL alumni from 1998. Now practicing emergency medicine, Dr. Harroch speaks fondly of his education at YTTL. Not only did it provide him with the strong foundation to live a Torah observant life, but it enriched every aspect of his life and prepared him for the vigorous medical education that followed his yeshiva years.

Upon establishment in 1941, YTTL made a promise to its community members: that every child in Montreal would be given the chance to receive a quality Jewish education. 

Now, 81+ years later, the commitment is stronger than ever. 

Have you ever been to a yeshiva where the children are PROUD? Walking down the hallways, do you see classrooms filled with smiling students? A library, containing a wealth of Jewish knowledge, buzzing with the voices of excited and impressionable boys? An atmosphere with deep-rooted love for Torah and a vibrant passion for Yiddishkeit? 

Welcome to an elevated education. Welcome to Lubavitch Yeshiva of Montreal. 

Upholding an outstanding curriculum and individualized attention for each student, YTTL cultivates an education that we can be proud of. With carefully selected mechanchim and dedicated staff members, the yeshiva is a place where every boy has the opportunity to succeed. YTTL stands at the forefront of “elevating chinuch”, giving children the tools to explore any subject with the essential knowledge necessary and imbuing them with a strong sense of pride in their Yiddishkeit. 

There’s a reason Montreal’s kehila, with a large percentage of anash graduates of YTTL, has a reputation of being learned, genuinely chassidish, and mivtzoim oriented.

Now, YTTL is turning to you. 

With $1.5 million, the yeshiva can continue empowering the next generation of leaders. YTTL is expanding to include100 new scholarships for students, additional programs and initiatives, professional development for teachers, extracurricular activities, recourse rooms, smart boards and digital screens… and the list goes on!

In this pivotal campaign, alumni from all over the world join together to thank YTTL for the strong foundation it instilled in their personal lives. Imagine how many more shluchim will come from such an exemplary moised! Imagine how many will go on to create families and communities of their own! 

We have the future in our hands. Help us develop it. Contribute to the cause today

Click here to donate!

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