Young Shluchim Rejoice At a Banquet of Their Own

Photos: Oded Kaizerman/

Over 2,000 Young Shluchim joined to celebrate together at the annual banquet of the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim, with an interactive program, joyous dancing and a roll call of their own.

The Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim of the Shluchim Office concluded on Sunday evening with a grand Hakhel banquet, a celebration culminating three packed days of inspiration, fun and Chassidishkeit.

With a record number of over 2,000 Young Shluchim joining both in person and online, the energy of this unique and powerful event was palpable throughout the night. The program began with a beautiful welcome presentation on displaying Hakhel both in the times of the Bais Hamikdash and nowadays. A video of the Rebbe followed, and the recital of The Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Kapital.

After a moving speech from the MC of the evening, Head Counselor Mendel Goldman from Philadelphia, PA, special guest singer Berel Faiden took the stage along with musician Chony Milecki, beautiful Niggunim joined together by all the Young Shluchim. Levi Matusof from Pau, France addressed his fellow Young Shluchim with words of inspiration followed by the 12 Pesukim.

The crowd was captivated by a special video presentation featuring Young Shliach Nosson Schlanger from Sydney, Australia, highlighting an amazing campaign where he put up 120 Mezuzos in his city in honor of Yud Alef Nissan. Nosson then came onto the stage and shared how amazing his first Kinus experience was and inspiration for his fellow Young Shluchim to do a project similar to his. Singing of the Kinus theme songs then rocked the ballroom, followed by the boys being mesmerized by a master ventriloquist.

Special for this year’s program, the boys were surprised with a brand new segment, the Mega Hakhel Challenge. Throughout the Kinus, the Tzeirei Hashluchim had the opportunity to Fabreng about Hakhel and brainstorm ideas for what special activity they would take on for Hakhel when they get back home. On Motzai Shabbos at the Ohel, each Young Shliach filled out his very own Hakhel Challenge Card, taking on a Hachlata of something they’ll do back home on Shlichus for Hakhel. At the banquet, six Shluchim shared their personal Hakhel challenge with the entire Kinus. Hosted by Chony Milecki, some incredible initiatives were shared as each and every Young Shliach was inspired to bring Hakhel into their Shlichus.

An exciting roll call was conducted by Berel Faiden, as the Young Shluchim danced and waved their flags with pride as their country and state were called. More singing and dancing filled the room before raffle drawings for amazing prizes which was led by Head Counselor Yossi Spalter. Young Shliach Yossi Andrusier from Manchester, VT won the grand raffle, a full scholarship to the Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camp in Lake Worth, FL. 

“With an unprecedented amount of Young Shluchim together in one space, the incredible Chayus and spirit of Achdus was felt throughout the night,” shared director Rabbi Berel Bendet. “It was such a special experience to have both in person and virtual tracks join together for this unique and empowering Hakhel event.”

Special thanks to the head staff of the Kinus who worked tirelessly to coordinate every aspect of the program. 

Klolim from: Oholei Torah, Chovivei Torah and Monsey Mesivtos.

Head Klolim: Sholom Ceitlin, Moshe Newman, Mendel Gopin, Moshe Rubin.

Counselors from: Oholei Torah Zal, Morristown, Detroit, and Monsey.

Head Counselors: Mendel Goldberg, Reuven Mayer, Levi Shemtov, Berel Danow, Shneur Deren, Mottel Greisman, Yossi Spalter, Menachem Cunin, Mendel Goldman, Zalman Lew, Naftali Shanowitz, Meir Lazaroff, Mordechai Rosenzweig, Avremel Silberberg, Motty Barnea, Zalmy Levenhartz, Shneur Laufer, Ezriel Slonim, Dovber Levertov.

Division Heads: Moshe Zalmam Vorovitch, Meir Deren, Mendel Turk, Mendel Backman, Dudi Ashkenazi, Chaim Azoulay.

Virtual Kinus: Mattisyahu Weingarten, Mendel Greenberg, Dov Goldstein.

ECAD and Logistics coordinator: Mendel Greenberg

Executive Team: Mendel Azimov and Chmouel Lachkar

Ohel rally: Tzemach Shemtov, Berel Morozov, Rabbi Levi Shemtov

Social Media Director: Mendel Cunin

Banquet: Mendel Denburg, Mendel Slonim, Mendel Zaklikovsky and Schneur Bergstein. Special thank you goes to Rabbi Avraham Green. The incredible group of staff was led by director Rabbi Berel Bendet with assistant directors Mendel Goldman and Levi Katz.

A replay of the banquet is available at

The event was generously dedicated by Rabbi Dovid and Gitel Fischer Leiluy Nishmas Luba Michla Bas R’ Shlomo Zarchi OB”M. The Shluchim Office and the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim are grateful for their generosity.


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