Young Shluchim Prepare for Virtual Kinus

With the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim right around the corner, a mega six day Hachana program has started for the Young Shluchim.

In preparation for the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim just a few days away, Young Shluchim around the world are joining a special Hachana program getting them ready for an incredible Kinus ahead. 

After receiving their Kinus box and entering the “Show The World” competition, Young Shluchim joining the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim are almost ready for this year’s program. Each Kinus box included a Hachana booklet featuring Sichos, exciting games, stories and missions.

The Hachana booklet is available for download at, with the opportunity to fill out a daily report to be entered to win amazing prizes.

Visit for all the latest updates for this years Kinus. For questions, email [email protected].

Follow youngshluchim on Facebook and Instagram to stay in the loop with live updates and exciting news.

Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim is a project of the Shluchim Office.

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