Young Shluchim Gifted the Rebbe Mishnayos, Tanya and Mivtzoim

In honor of Yud Alef Nissan, the boys division of the Nigri Shluchim Online School of the Shluchim Office prepared their own present to the Rebbe through a new beautiful, interactive initiative.

In honor of Yud Alef Nissan, the boys division of the Nigri Shluchim Online School of the Shluchim Office prepared their own present to the Rebbe through a new beautiful, interactive initiative.

Spearheaded by boys division principal Rabbi Yehoshua Steinberg and program director Rabbi Schneur Deren, the Talmidim of second to sixth grade learnt many lines of Tanya and Mishnayos Baal Peh. The seventh and eighth graders learned Perek Mem Alef Baal Peh, added many extra hours of Torah learning out of school, learned a Maamer Baal Peh and are working on a goal of 120 Tefillin per class on Mivtzoim.

As of today, the total lines of Tanya memorized is 4,457, and the total lines of Mishnayos learned is 4,460, 1,115 full Mishnas.

A website was created for students to report, access resources and keep up with the latest updates, providing an interactive and exciting environment in each classroom.

In culmination of these incredible achievements, the boys joined together for Yud Alef Nissan Farbrengen. They got to hear a special story from Schneur Zalman Rosenfeld from Bogota, Columbia who shared his father’s experience getting dollars from the Rebbe.

The highlight was guest speaker Rabbi YY Jacobson who shared beautiful stories about the Rebbe, as well as his personal Yud Alef Nissan memories.

“Even after Pesach, the students have been continuing to learn and go on Mivtzoim from this amazing program,” said Rabbi Yehoshua Steinberg. “It’s been so powerful to see the impact this initiative has had on the Talmidim worldwide.”

The Nigri International Shluchim Online School is a division of the Shluchim Office.


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