Young Shliach Releases Preview Of Upcoming Sefer

Over a year ago, Rabbi Yossi Lipskier from Sherman Oaks, CA, embarked on a project to summarize all of the Rebbe’s commentary and explanations on Rambam. The complete work is set to be published in the 2 volumes of Otzar Hamelech.

Over a year ago, Rabbi Yossi Lipskier from Sherman Oaks, CA, embarked on a project to summarize all of the Rebbe’s commentary and explanations on Rambam, recording them both in audio and in written form. Baruch Hashem, the work is complete and is set to be published in the 2 volumes of Otzar Hamelech.

While originally scheduled to be ready for the Siyum Harambam last year, technical issues forced an unforeseen delay in the final printing.

“Chazal tell us: כל עכבה לטובה, all delay is for the good”, says Rabbi Lipskier. “In this case, I was certainly able to appreciate the good. Because of the delay, I had time to uncover tens of obscure explanations that would have been missed otherwise, since they are scattered across the Rebbe’s Igros and countless new Teshuros that are constantly being printed.

“I’ve also had the opportunity to correct many mistakes, based on feedback I got from multiple Rabbonim, Shluchim and Bochurim, who all took an active interest in the preview editions that I’ve released to date”.

Today, thousands of Yidden around the world who learn 3 Perakim of Rambam daily, are beginning a new book – Sefer Zeraim.

This Sefer deals with all Halachos related to agriculture, including the laws of Shemittah, the year in which we currently find ourselves.

Knowing how much Chassidim appreciate the Rebbe’s Torah on Rambam, Rabbi Lipskier is pleased to present to the public a preview from Otzar Hamelech on Sefer Zeraim. It includes over 300 Biurim from the Rebbe, culled from every element of his published works.

Most notable is the collection of over 70(!) Biurim on the last Halacha of Hilchos Shemittah V’yovel, quoted by the Rebbe hundreds of times, about the power of every Yid to become like Shevet Levi, totally dedicated to Hashem’s service.

“It is my sincere hope that everyone gains great benefit from learning Rambam with the Rebbe. And of course, if there’s something I missed or misinterpreted, I would love to hear about it”.

Feedback, comments and questions welcome via email at To honor or memorialize a relative, friend or loved one in this monumental Sefer, please reach out by email to


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  1. “Most notable is the collection of over 70(!) Biurim on the last Halacha of Hilchos Shemittah V’yovel, quoted by the Rebbe hundreds of times, about the power of every Yid to become like Shevet Levi, totally dedicated to Hashem’s service.”

    Not only every yid, but even every non jew!!! (See page 60 of the pdf)

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