A new issue of N’shei Chabad Newsletter profiles Mrs. Hensha Gansbourg, NCN’s first graphic artist in the 1980s, David Nesenoff and his new book, “I Never Met the Rebbe Many Times,” and Rabbi Mottel Friedman’s work.
By N’shei Chabad Newsletter Staff
Dear Loyal Friend and Reader,
Leave it to Esther Etiquette (very popular NCN column by Chana Kornfeld) to shed light on a confusing topic:
We Crown Heightsers complain about the simchas we have to go to, and we have to make judgment calls about them all the time. But why do we consider some events “skippable,” and some we don’t skip no matter what? How come sometimes we drag ourselves out of bed at 9 p.m., and other times we just can’t–or won’t?
Esther Etiquette clarifies the whole deal in the Pesach N’shei Chabad Newsletter, which will iyH be in Crown Heights stores before Pesach, or subscribe now at https://nsheichabadnewsletter.com/subscribe/
Laugher is the best medicine. So sign up at torahpoems.com to receive Rabbi Mottel Friedman’s weekly Parshah Poem and Silly Parshah Questions and Mostly True Story. You can trust us on this, or you can check out a free sample of Rabbi Friedman’s work in the Pesach N’shei Chabad Newsletter (and then sign up to receive it on a weekly basis).
The Pesach cover shows Mrs. Hensha Gansbourg, first NCN graphic artist in the 1980s, as she brings Lis Harris to the Rebbe 34 years ago on 6 Nissan 5750.
Mrs. Gansbourg’s life story is the main feature in the upcoming Pesach issue (subscribe now at https://nsheichabadnewsletter.com/subscribe/
The Rebbe plays a central role in her life. As Mrs. Gansbourg told us, “The Rebbe has inspired so many women to reach above and beyond what they thought they could accomplish. I am humbly honored to be just one of so many.”
You’ve met David Nesenoff in the pages of the N’shei before! Remember? Wait, you forgot? This hurts. He wrote for us in Tammuz 2013, a mere 11 years ago. You may read that article now on our website: https://nsheichabadnewsletter.com/14680/nesenoff/
Now he writes: “My initial speeches that took me to Chabad Houses at the ends of the earth were in response to my fame from outing the anti-Semitic journalist, Helen Thomas, at the White House. But then the messages, stories and speeches further developed from visiting these hundreds of shluchim and their communities. I became a witness and eventually part and parcel of the Rebbe’s mission as well. My unique experience has allowed me to personally accumulate inspirational and extraordinary stories filled with simchah that I have thoroughly enjoyed telling, and now have had the pleasure of writing down.”
We feature the very best stories, the ones that will make you sigh and cry and laugh, from David Nesenoff’s new book, I Never Met the Rebbe Many Times, in the upcoming Pesach issue.
We extend our heartfelt wishes and tefillos for all Jews everywhere to have a kosher un freilichen Pesach, together with their loved ones!
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