YOEC Yeshivas Kayitz Concluded Another Great Summer of Learning

YKLA, the Yeshivas Kayitz for students of Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad, wrapped another successful summer of learning and trips. They concluded the six week program with a grand road trip to the national parks.

YKLA just concluded an incredible six week program full of learning, trips, and Shabattons. The program ended on a high note with a road trip to multiple states and national parks.

For the past ten years, the Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad of Los Angeles has been running YKLA, a successful Yeshivas Kayitz under Yeshiva administrator Rabbi Mendy Spalter to motivate their bochurim to remain in full time learning for the summer. The program offers high intensity learning for most of the day and then has exciting outings, trips, and bonfires at night to give their masmidim a well earned break.

The program runs parallel for the Mesivta bochurim and the Zal as well. The Mesivta has more evening outings, and the end of summer trip differs also.

This year, the Mesivta had a great time learning all day with their usual well-loved teachers, then broke off for sports at four p.m. each afternoon. The sports leagues lasted for a few hours, and led into a nightly outing to either a trip, or excursion in nature- a hike or some time at a park or a beachfront.

Shabbos at YKLA meant an exciting Shabatton at different locations organized and arranged by the dedicated shluchim bochurim who were in charge of the summer programs and activities.

At the end of the successful month learning, the bochurim were treated to a major trip. Bochurim who remained and learned for all six weeks of summer were rewarded with an incredible road trip to landmarks in Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and California. The Zal’s end of summer trip took them to the nearby Yosemite National Park.

The trips were a smashing hit and a were a great way to end an even greater summer.


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  1. Ended up staying for the summer had the summer of my life thank you our top g shluchim yossi b mordy moshe yaakov
    Mendel k Eli

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