YOEC Mesivta Bochurim Celebrate Tremendous Achievements

After taking upon themselves hachlatos in honor of the Rebbe’s birthday, totalling more than 50,000 hachlatos, the bochurim of YOEC Mesivta in Los Angeles gathered to celebrate their achievement.

Bochurim studying in YOEC Mesivta of Los Angeles, California, gathered last week to celebrate a tremendous achievement.

In the months leading up to Yud Alef Nissan, the 120th birthday of the Rebbe, a grand mivtzah was held in the yeshiva, encouraging each bochur to accept personal hachlatos as a gift to the Rebbe.

Over 5 months, the 150 bochurim filled out a daily duch reporting their progress with their hachlata. At the end of the mivtza, over 50,000 hachlatos were fulfilled!

To conclude the mivtza, a gala event was held in the local Moshe Ganz Hall, thanks to the generosity of R’ Mendel Goldman who let the Mesivta use the hall free of charge.

The event began with each bocher writing a duch to the Rebbe detailing their hachlotos as a matana to the Rebbe in honor of Yud Alef Nissan.

Bochurim then participated in a ‘Chinese auction’ where they had a chance to ‘bid on’, and win, one of 120 different prizes. The energy was palpable with the speed of the prizes being drawn, creating an intense and exciting atmosphere.

Rosh Mesivta Rabbi Amram Farkash then spoke, delivering an inspiring address describing the empowerment each bochur has from the Rebbe to give it their best and not be satisfied with anything less.

Yudi Cohen, a bochur in Shiur Aleph spoke about how taking on his hachlotas has deeply affected his day-to-day life and the importance of continuing the hachlotas.

The mivtza was generously sponsored by Osher and Rivkah Karnowsky לע”נ their son Hotomin Shmuel. A shliach shared a few words about Shmuel and concluded with a bracha that in zechus of all the hachlotas, we should merit to be reunited with all of Klal Yisroel in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh led by the Rebbe.

The auction then continued with the final prize, the climax of the entire mivtza, was bidding on a dollar received from the Rebbe’s holy hand.

After spontaneous dancing, the bochurim left the event proud of their achievements as well as confident that they would continue to grow and give the Rebbe much nachas.

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