YLTY of Beit Shemesh Uplifts With Unique Army Base Visit

Yeshiva Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel of Beit Shemesh recently organized a visit to the Tzeilim army base down south, orchestrating a memorable day filled with meaningful activities.

Yeshiva Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel of Beit Shemesh recently took a remarkable initiative to connect students with their surroundings and instill a sense of gratitude. The Yeshiva organized a visit to the Tzeilim army base down south, orchestrating a memorable day filled with meaningful activities.

The night kicked off with a thought-provoking shiur (lecture) by Rav Rimon. This session not only enriched the students intellectually but also provided an opportunity for soldiers to ask personal Halachic questions and challenges they are facing, which were mainly in Hilchos Shabbos.

Following the shiur, a barbecue was arranged, serving as a platform for students to express their appreciation and for meaningful dialogue between students and soldiers.

Rabbi Moss spoke to the soldiers about the Rebbes views on Shleimus Haaretz and his unique appreciation and love for each and every soldier. He then distributed G-Shock watches to the soldiers on the front lines, acknowledging their commitment to safeguarding Am Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel.

The night reached its pinnacle with an exclusive visit to Mini Gaza, offering students a firsthand experience of soldiers in training. This immersive encounter allowed the Yeshiva students to witness the challenges faced by those on the front lines, fostering a deeper understanding and connection with the sacrifices made by the armed forces.

The Yeshiva of YLTY’s visit to the Tzeilim army base exemplifies its dedication to well-rounded education, incorporating valuable lessons outside the classroom. By combining learning with real-world experiences and expressions of gratitude, the Yeshiva continues to teach and inspire students to uplift and inspire others especially in these exceptional times.

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