Back in Yerushalayim, YKY Announces Head Staff

YKY, a summer program primarily suited for bochurim coming out of Shiur Beis and Gimmel mesivta, which will be back in Yerushalayim after a two year hiatus, announced its staff for the summer of 5782. 

YKY, a summer program primarily suited for bochurim coming out of Shiur Beis and Gimmel mesivta, which will be back in Yerushalayim after a two year hiatus, announced its staff for the summer of 5782. 

The program will be run by Berel Fayershteyn from Crown Heights who will be head counselor, assisted by Itche Chein of Ottawa and Sholom Ber Tiefenbrun of London as counselors, and Levi Engle of Melbourne and Dovid Ezagui of Montreal as learning directors.

Created by Rabbi Yosef Avtzon and Rabbi Shmuel Schneerson, the program offers an unique opportunity to spend a chassidishe summer in the holy city of Yerushalayim.

Situated right in the center of the city in the famous neighborhood of Nachlaot, and within walking distance of all major sites, the bochurim will have a full schedule that involves learning, farbrengens, and spiritual experiences, alongside incredible trips and tours across the country for the 6 weeks of the program.

For more information visit

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