Yiddish Magazine Supplement on Chabad Makes Waves

The popular Yiddish Magazine ‘Moment’ published a full supplement on the history, ideas, and traditions of Lubavitch, and an in-depth conversation with Nyack Mashpia Rabbi Yosef Klyne.

By Anash.org reporter

The popular Yiddish Magazine ‘Moment’ published a full supplement on the history, ideas, and traditions of Lubavitch, and an in-depth conversation with Nyack Mashpia Rabbi Yosef Klyne.

The magazine made big waves among Yiddish readers, many of whom have seen Chabad chassidim, but were never properly exposed to the Chabad way of thought.

The series is dedicated to opening up the chassidishe readers to segments of Klal Yisroel with which they are not sufficiently familiar. Previous supplements reviewed Sefardim, Litvishe, Yekkes, and Bukharim. This issue, which is the fifth in the series, explores not only the history and practices but also touched upon the deep ideas of Chassidus Chabad.

The booklet, distributed in tens of thousands of copies, is certainly a big step in hafotzas hamayonos chutza!

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  1. The Moment Magazine deserves credit for choosing the best communicator of chabad in the US. Rabbi Klyne’s clarity and passion are unparalleled, and as a deeply grateful Kolel Dach member, I want to thank Reb Yosef for his outstanding shiurim and fabrengens.

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