Yeshivas Kayitz Prague Announces Staff of Summer 5784

Yeshivas Kayitz Prague, under the auspices of Rabbi Manis and Mendy Barash has announced the stellar group of staff who will be running the program this upcoming summer.

Nestled in the heart of Europe, Yeshivas Kayitz Prague is a once in a lifetime experience for bochurim.
Under the leadership of Rabbi Manis Barash and Rabbi Mendy Barash, Shluchim to Prague, the program is a chance for bochurim to enjoy a packed summer filled with serious learning and shiurim, exciting trips to various historic places in Europe, as well as mivtzoyim with the many tourists who fill the streets during the summer.

With the dedicated Menahel Ruchni Rabbi Folle Dubov, mashpia in Oholei Torah, every bochur in YK Prague will be ensured that all their needs both begashmius as well as beruchnius are met to the highest standard. 

An incredible group of staff will serve as Maggidei Shiurim and Mashgichim:

Sholom Bronstein, Andover, MA
Meir Cohen, Ocean City, MD
Mendel Eisenbach, Waterbury, CT
Dovid Lifshitz, Boise, ID
Shmulik Shaikevitz, Milan, Italy
Mendel Soudry, Yerushalayim, EY
Leibel Webb, Princeton, NJ

Located right in the centre of the Jewish quarter, YK Prague is housed in a modern and renovated four-story building with all amenities, just a minute’s walk from the famed Altneu Shul. Overlooking the old Jewish cemetery where the Maharal and Kli Yakar are buried, the YK is situated in a very safe city in Europe, which is of utmost importance.

Limited spots are still available. To register, and for more details, see

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