Yeshiva Moves to Serbia to Allow Yud Alef Nissan Trip

When the Paris Yeshiva Ketana began searching for a way to travel to the Rebbe for Yud Alef Nissan, they met a brick wall. That is, until they came up with the idea of moving to Serbia for two weeks…

By reporter

When the Paris Yeshiva Ketana began searching for a way to travel to the Rebbe for Yud Alef Nissan, they met a brick wall. That is, until they came up with the idea of moving to Serbia for two weeks…

For over two months, the bochurim of the Yeshiva Ketana, led by Rabbi Yossi Davidowicz and Rabbi Shmuel Lubecki, were trying to find a way to travel for the Rebbe for Yud Alef Nissan. After all, it had been over a year since they last had the opportunity to travel there.

But all their attempts were met with failure. The United States does not allow the entry of any travelers from Europe, so the bochurim from Paris wouldn’t even be allowed past the US border before being sent back.

But after weeks of planning a solution was finally found. On 24 Adar, the entire Yeshiva moved to the country of Serbia for two weeks, from where they would be allowed entry in the USA. There, they were hosted by shliach Rabbi Yehoshua Kaminetzky who took care of every last detail.

The bochurim spent the two weeks davening, learning, and farbrenging as a preparation for their trip.

On Tes Nissan, the long-awaited trip finally arrived. The yeshiva, together with their maspia Rabbi Lubecki, took a direct flight to New York, where they headed straight to the Ohel to thank the Rebbe for his brachos that allowed the trip to happen.

“Without a doubt, this Yud Alef Nisan will remain engraved in the hearts of the bochurim, especially after all the plans and preparations,” organizers told “In fact, our Yeshiva was the only one in the whole world that was able to spend the 11 Nissan with the Rebbe.”


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