Yahrzeit of Moroccan Tzadik Marked in Crown Heights

Over 200 men and women gathered in Crown Heights to celebrate the Hilula of the great Tzadik and Mekubal, Harav Yisroel Abuhatzeira, famously known as the ‘Baba Sali’, and hundreds more joined via Zoom.

By Anash.org reporter
Photos: Yossi Fajnland/Anash.org

Over 200 men and women came to celebrate the Hiloula of the great Tzadik and Mekubal, Harav Yisroel Abuhatzeira, famously known as the ‘Baba Sali’ in Crown Height, and hundreds more joined via Zoom.

The event was organized and emceed by the Rav of Sefardic community in Crown Heights and Rav of Merkaz Sfard, HaRav Eliezer (Lazer) Avtzon and was co-hosted by two grandaughters of the Baba Sali, Reb Hirshel and Annette Lipsker and their family, together with her sister’s family Reb Moshe and Chaya Zaetz and their family.

The gathering also featured a live hook-up video stream to the Kever of Baba Sali in Netivot, Israel, and the traditional lighting of candles and public/private Tefilot to the Tzadik, as well as special Piyutim reserved for this special day.

Divrei Torah and Chizuk were then given Rabbi Aaron Chein from the Georgian Jewish community in Queens who was close to the Baba Sali in his youth.

Other speakers spoke about the special Kedusha of the Rav and his connection with the Rebbe and Chassidus Chabad.

Traditional Moroccan foods was be served, together with live music and singing led by renowned Paiytanim.


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