Live: Yahrtzeit Gathering for Rabbi Mordechai Gurary

Congregation Chevra Shas Bais Mordechai invites the community to a Seudah marking the first yahrzeit of Rabbi Mordechai Gurary a”h. The gathering is scheduled to take place Tuesday, Nissan 3 / March 16, 7:30 pm.

Congregation Chevra Shas Bais Mordechai invites the community to a Seudah marking the first yahrzeit of Rabbi Mordechai Gurary a”h.

The gathering is scheduled to take place Tuesday, Nissan 3 / March 16, 7:30 pm at the Lubavitch Yeshiva 570 Crown Street and is open to men and women.

Rabbi Mordechai Gurary a”h, the beloved rov of the Chevra Shas shul in Crown Heights, was an accomplished Talmid Chochom, riveting speaker and personal mashpia to many.

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