Women’s Circle to Celebrate Nine Years

By Dvora Lakein for Anash.org

An anniversary is a lot more than a number or a slice of cake. The date is a reminder to contemplate all that has transpired and a nudge to look ahead to bigger and better. It’s also a time to celebrate. The Crown Heights Women’s Circle plans to do all three at their upcoming melave malka, their ninth. 

The Circle began with two friends and a dream. It’s a typical story, but what it grew into is anything but. Today, the Women’s Circle gathers weekly for study and friendship at its signature program, Caffeine for the Soul. Some 40 women come each Wednesday, some with babies, others on their way to work, for an inside look at the week’s parsha or other timely topic through the Rebbe’s eyes. The sicha turns into a discussion and from there, growth, resolutions, and friendships are born. 

Throughout the year, the Women’s Circle hosts multiple special events including pre-yom tov gatherings and classes on topics relevant to Jewish women, such as shalom bayis, parenting, and health. A highlight for many women is their shabbaton retreat which takes place in New Jersey each year. And since 2017, the Circle has expanded its reach to the next generation with its popular Imos Ubanos chavrusa-style learning for mothers and daughters. 

“It’s not just a weekly shiur, a gathering of friends, a community,” says director Chanel Lipskier. “For many women, myself included, the Women’s Circle has become an anchor and a lifevest that keeps us afloat through our personal journeys.” 

The Women’s Circle is unique in the vastness that is Crown Heights because of its inclusiveness of all women, from all backgrounds. Neighborhood lifers and newbies come together to swap stories and life hacks and inspiration. Just as a circle is round and continuous, so too is the give and take that defines this exceptional organization.

This year’s melave malka will feature a compelling conversation between Mrs. Esther Sternberg and her daughter, shlucha and author, Mrs. Rivky Slonim. The two will share stories about their connection with the Rebbe and insights on mothering and personal growth. The talented girls of the Tambourines dance troupe will also perform. A lavish melave malka and multiple raffles round out the evening. 

For more information, or to RSVP, please visit chwomenscircle.com

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