Winter Camp Focuses On Important Role Of Young Shluchos

The MyShliach Tzeirei Hashluchos West Coast Winter Camp gave over one hundred young shluchos the opportunity to spend a meaningful and action-packed week together full of excitement and inspiration.

For the 11th year, the MyShliach Tzeirei Hashluchos West Coast Winter Camp gave over one hundred young shluchos from around the world the opportunity to meet for the first time and spend a meaningful and action-packed week together. It was a week full of excitement and inspiration for these young shluchos to bring home. 

Spending time with fellow Shluchos created a unique sense of achdus. “You just felt it from day one,” says Rabbi Zalmy Kudan, longtime MyShliach THWC camp director, “All the activities were done together, and when that happens, the impact is tremendous.” Every day was filled with activities, like skits, dance creations, and musical competitions, all done with an emphasis on working together and having everyone involved. 

As well, many activities were focused on the unique and important role that these young shluchos have. “For these children, having a time dedicated to meeting fellow young shluchos and realizing how important and unique they are is priceless,” says Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz, director of MyShliach at Merkos 302. One of the ways the staff blended this focus on Achdus and shlichus pride was by creating a day where everyone got involved in reenacting some of the popular year-round shlichus events. A menorah lighting, challah bake, and even a public seder were held, all in one busy day. 

However, the focus on shlichus continued further. On Friday afternoon, the campers set out to distribute Shabbos candles to every Jewish woman they could find. Over shabbos, farbrengens were led by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Kudan, as well as several staff members, and Motzai Shabbos the campers were privileged to hear from Rabbi Shlomo Cunin, head Shliach of California, as well. “My daughter came back with a strong sense of being a part of the global shluchos family,” shares Rabbi Mendel Mintz, Shliach to Aspen, Colorado, “I see the impact that it has, and I appreciate it tremendously.”

The shluchos also learned daily about the ultimate goal of their shlichus: to bring Moshiach. The staff, together with the help of the Tut Altz curriculum, focused on both personal and shlichus-related activities and brought them into the context of Moshiach. The impact was evident as many campers took on hachlatos in several areas discussed in class. 

The atmosphere of the week was significant for the young Shluchos. One father shared that his daughter told him that this week was better than the entire summer camp, because of all the friendships she created. “This week serves as a crucial support system for the young Shluchos on the front lines,” says Rabbi Mendel Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302, “it gives them the necessary tools and encouragement to passionately carry out their shlichus with joy and pride.”

The MyShliach THWC Winter camp is directed by Rabbi Zalmy and Shterna Kudan, Rabbi Mendel, and Rochel Loschak, Shluchim in S. Barbara, California. Together with them, an experienced team of counselors led by Head Staff Yehudis Heller, Aidel Bluming, Fraydie Vaisfisch, and Yachit Tiefenbrun traveled from across the globe to contribute to this critical mission. “The counselors were pivotal in the success of this year’s camp,” says Rabbi Simcha Backman, Shliach to Glendale, CA, and long-time committee member of the winter camp. “Their commitment from the first moment was astounding.”

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, Mr. Shmuel Aizenberg, Mr. Sholom Leyton, Mr. Yosef Gorowitz, and many other generous individuals made this wonderful experience for the young Shluchim a reality. Without them, none of this would have been possible.

The camp is organized for Shluchim by Shluchim, with the executive committee overseeing the camp’s funding and operations led by esteemed California Shluchim Rabbi Simcha Backman, Rabbi Nachman Abend, and Rabbi Shlomo Bistritsky.

To support this exceptional project, visit 

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