Winner Announced in Revamped Chidon and Siyum of Halikut Program

Photos: Mendi Dahan/

Close to 400 bochurim from around the world qualified to take part in the Halikut Siyum this year, with 20 finalists competing in an all new chidon for the grand prize – all of the Rebbe’s Torah.

After months of diligently studying all the Sichos of Chelek Lamed of Likkutei Sichos, close to 400 Bochurim gathered at Chabad of Great Neck, N.Y., for a full day Siyum event. 

After being greeted by a lavish spread of pastries and drinks, the Bochurim took the final test, consisting of 67 questions, testing them on the entire Sefer.

Following the test, the top 20 bochurim were invited on stage to prove their knowledge of the entire Sefer and were tested by Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook and Rabbi Yisroel Shimon Kalmenson, both of Lahak, and moderated by Rabbi Menachem Shechter, of the Yeshivas Lubavitch of Chicago.

They are:

Nosson Shur – Arizona – Mesivta
Yuda Hildesaim – Arizona – Mesivta
Avrohom Dovid Rosenbloom – Baltimore – Zal
Mendel Roth – Baltimore – Zal
Berel Silberberg – Chicago – Mesivta
Levi Hendel – Chicago – Mesivta
Nissy  Lebovics – Chicago – Mesivta
Levi Bitton – Detroit – Mesivta
Moshe Druk – Detroit – Mesivta
Shaya Bukiet – LA – Mesivta
Menachem Mendel Zirkind – LA – Zal
Yossi Heidingsfeld – LA – Zal
Levi Yitzchak Vaisfiche – Montreal – Mesivta
Shlomo Chaim Cohen – Morristown – Zal
Yosef Yitzchak Hecht – Morristown – Zal
Eli Uminer – New Haven – Mesivta
Mendel Kessler – New Haven – Mesivta
Mendel Rosenfeld – New Haven – Mesivta
Mendel Halperin – Oholei Torah – Mesivta
Shraga Charytan – Oholei Torah – Zal

After 2 rounds of intense questions and answers both in writing and orally, the chidon was narrowed down to the top 3 finalists:

Levi Bitton – Detroit – Mesivta
Mendel Rosenfeld – New Haven – Mesivta
Mendel Halperin – Oholei Torah – Mesivta

One more round of questions was all that was needed for Levi Bitton of Yeshivas Lubavitch Detroit to claim first place, which won him all the Rebbe’s printed Torah in Kehos.

The program concluded with a Banquet dinner in the presence of distinguished Rabonim and Mashpi’im, addressed by bochur Chaim Meir Friedman of LA Zal, and Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt, head Shliach of Argentina and a Chozer in his bochur days. The event celebrated the Bochurim’s accomplishment, encouraging them to continue in their studies. 

Special thanks were given to the organizers of the Halikut program, a project of Vaad Hatmimim led with dedication by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Altein, together with Halikut’s organizers, Tzvi Alperowitz, Baruch Ceitlin, Perez Garelik, Mendel Gopin, Meir Deren and Berel Marozov. Thanks were also given to those who made Halikut possible, Meir Wilhelm, Berry Zirkind, Meir Greenberg, Arik Shemtov, Mendel Goldman, and Yosef Schmerling, and to all the Shluchim of each participating Yeshiva that made Halikut possible.

Now concluding its sixth year, Halikut continues to revolutionize the way Bochurim learn the Rebbe’s Sichos. Many Bochurim attending the Siyum, expressed their thanks to the Halikut team for showing them their true potential in learning, understanding, and knowing the Rebbe’s Torah, remarking that they can’t wait to participate again next year.

The Halikut program is sponsored by:

Keren Ohr Chana
Keren Meromim
Yossi & Nechama Dina Katz
Mendy & Chanie Fischer In honor of our children
Sholom & Esther Laine
And the Dornbusch family, לע״נ שמואל בן ישראל ועזריאל צבי בן מרדכי ע״ה

The Halikut Siyum is sponsored by Reb Yossi Kazarnovsky L’iluy Nishmas his parents Reb Moshe & Liba Golda A”H Kazarnovsky

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