Why the Chevra Kadisha Read From the Torah on Tuesday

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The sounds of a group singing ‘Avinu Malkeinu’ and the sight of the Torah being read on what seemed to be a regular Tuesday turned many heads in the main shul in 770.

The sounds of a group singing ‘Avinu Malkeinu’ and the sight of the Torah being read on what seemed to be a regular Tuesday turned many heads in the main shul in 770.

The group was comprised of members of the Chevra Kadisha of Agudas Chassidei Chabad, and the sights and sounds were coming from the special tefillos they say annually on the 15th of Kislev, the customary fast of Chevra Kadisha.

Every year, on the 15th of Kislev, groups of Chevra Kadisha members gather around the world to follow the age-old tradition of fasting, reciting selichos and reading from the Torah on this specific date.

In Crown Heights, members of the Chevra Kadisha, who fasted the entire Tuesday, began the auspicious day in 770 with a heartfelt shacharis that included special selichos and reading of the Torah portion of Vayechal Moshe, customarily read on fast days.

Next on the schedule, following the unique customs of the day, was a visit to the location where they perform their holy work. The group headed to the Old Montefiore cemetery where tefillos unique to the occasion were said. They visited each of the ten Lubavitcher chelkos spread out across the large cemetery, and checked at each one if any repairs or maintenance were needed.

After returning from the cemetery, the members of the Chevra Kadisha gathered for mincha in 770, where they read from the Torah once again, followed by the haftorah for a fast day.

In accordance with the minhag of the Chevra Kadisha of Aguch, the members continued fasting until nightfall, davening ma’ariv early and breaking their fast with a customary seudah.

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