Why Lubavitchers Presented the Sadigura Rebbe With Framed Certificates

While passing through the check-in at JFK airport, the Sadigura Rebbe was approached by Lubavitchers who were manning the ChabadAir desk. They presented him with a booklet of the Rebbe’s Torah, but they also had something special for him: Framed certificates.

By Anash.org reporter

Lubavitchers manning the ChabadAir desk at JFK Airport presented the Sadigura Rebbe with framed certificates for his children’s letters in the Sefer Torah for Jewish children.

The three young children of the Sadigura Rebbe were signed up for an Ois B’Sefer Torah one year ago by Rabbis Shmuel Butler and Avremel Turen at ChabadAir. Today, they were both on hand to deliver the framed certificates.

At that time, the Sadigura Rebbe was visiting New York for just a few hours to be menachem ovel his grandfather, who was sitting shiva after the passing of his sister.

They also spoke about the ongoing situation in Eretz Yisroel and gifted him a kuntres containing a collection of the Rebbe’s sichos regarding the security of Eretz Yisroel. The Sadigura Rebbe spoke about his grandfather, the Ikvei Abirim of Sadigura, who was stalwart in his support for the Rebbe’s position on shleimus ha’aretz.

The Sadigura Rebbe warmly thanked the bochurim for their gift and praised the holy work they do bringing Yiddishkeit to the Yidden passing through the airport.

Several students from Oholei Torah in Crown Heights who come once a week to participate in the mivtzoim activities at he airport were showered with brachos. The ChabadAir counter at JFK is headed by Rabbi Yossi Rap.

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