Where Jews Were Slaughtered, Chabad is Building Hope

Dozens of Jews were murdered in the town of Ofakim is Southern Israel, a mere eleven miles from the border of Gaza. Chabad is responding by building a new 770 center.

The Southern town of Ofakim, Israel lies a mere eleven miles from the border of Gaza. They were broken into and attacked on Simchas Torah and are left bereaved and traumatized. The Hershkowitz family of Chabad of Ofakim are courageously supporting their community through the tragedies and forging on to rebuild and grow even bigger than before.

Chabad is in the middle of building a large complex with a shul, a community center, a simcha hall, and various other facilities to serve the community. The building will have a learning place for the women of Ofakim, space for the many children’s programs, and a large library. It is structured in the shape of 770.

Not deterred from the recent horrifying events and personal tragedies as well, the shluchim are continuing to build and are rushing to complete the massive undertaking. The building is a symbol of hope for the Yidden living there, and will also be a center of community activities that will offer comfort and respite to the war weary citizens.

Chabad has programs that take care of feeding and clothing the poor in the city, and supplies resources for those who are in need. The building will have space to accommodate all the preparations and store the supplies necessary for the huge undertaking.

Join in this endeavor and send hope and comfort to our brethren in Ofakim.

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