When the Teacher (Rov) and Student (Musician) Sang Together

Anash.org exclusive: A rare recording captured teacher Rabbi Kalman Marlow (later rov of Crown Heights) and student R’ Eli Lipsker (later a famed musician) singing Chabad niggunim and Russian songs together in 1959.

A rare recording from 1959 captured a young teacher and student, who each went on to become greats in their respective fields, singing Chabad niggunim together.

The audio, which is over an hour long, has recordings of teacher Rabbi Kalman Marlow (later rov of Crown Heights) and student R’ Eli Lipsker (later a famed musician) singing Chabad niggunim and Russian songs together.

Rabbi Marlow had gotten married that year and was a rebbi at the Lubavitcher yeshiva at Bedford and Dean. His student remember his unique method of teaching which included singing interesting tunes. Some of this tunes can be heard on this recording, alongside classic and rare Chabad niggunim.

At the end of the recording one hears Rabbi Sholom Ber Vishedsky speaking at a meeting of Anash, the details of which have not yet been clarified.

The recording was released from the archives of Rabbi Yosef Goldstein.


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