Very rarely did the Rebbe give such a compliment. Rabbi Leibel Alevsky, the coordinator of Tzach in the 60s encountered such praise just once, in a letter to Reb Meir Roness A”H.
Rabbi Leibel Alevsky, recounts his personal experiences and interactions that he encountered while working with Reb Meir Roness A”h as the coordinator of activities of Tzach (Lubavitch Youth Organization).
“I had the pleasure and privilege of working with Meir in the 1960’s in my capacity of having started the first Tzach office in 5762. I was working there for ten years at which time Meir, then being a Yeshivah boy in 770, started this important program.
Among the many reports to the Rebbe about Tzach activities and programs that I was privileged to write and the many answers and comments from the Rebbe on these reports, one comment stands out, ‘towering’ above all others. That comment was on one of the reports that was submitted about Meir’s work.
The Rebbe commented:
וגדול זכותו (ועוד יותר) ואשרי חלקו.
In my ten years in Tzach – I never saw such a comment about any other individual.”
Reb Meir’s dedication to Hafatzas HaMaayanos was exemplary and serves as Keren Meir’s inspiration, every single day.
In the six years since Reb Meir’s passing, Keren Meir has continued all of the activities that he began as well as overseen the creation and facilitation of many new shiurei chassidus throughout the year.
There are many logistics involved in bringing a shiur to life. A teacher needs to be procured and his time and travel method organized and paid for. Learning materials need to be acquired and printed for the class participants; and many, many hours are invested each week to ensure that the dozens of weekly shiurim and chavrusos can happen in a smooth and seamless manner.
Now, you have the opportunity to be a partner in this vital work by joining the Keren Meir Summer Raffle.
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