Whatsapp Group Learns Rebbe Rashab’s Chassidus

Would like to learn Chassidus every day but can’t find the time? A new WhatsApp group shares a daily short thought from the Rebbe Rashab’s Mamarim is presented in clear and concise English.

Do you feel like you should be learning more Chasidus but are not up to it? Maybe you do not have the time, or maybe you don’t have the tools you need to understand the words of the מאמר, or maybe you just want to add another learning project to your learning schedule. Whatever the reason is, a new opportunity has become available.

A new WhatsApp group has been started for just this purpose. Every day a short thought from the Rebbe Rashab‘s Mamarim is presented in clear and concise English. The short thoughts attempt to capsulize several pages of thoughts into short form for the readers. The Rebbe Rashab is known as the Rambam of Chasidus because the מאמרים present Chasidus in just such a way. The group has already learned through the Mamarim of תרנ”ה and is now going through the מאמרים of תרנ”ו.

The following is an example of what you may see on the group:

“The sages compared our soul to a fire because it is constantly reaching higher. When the soul descends into a body, the fire may feel doused. Trapped by the carnal constraints the body imposes, it struggles to express itself. Desperately, the soul pushes back at those constraints. If it succeeds it will surge forward, like waters squeezing through a narrow hold, allowing it to reach heights it would otherwise never reach. These are the heights the angels refer to when they call Hashem ”Holy”.

There is a rule taught in Chasidus; the higher an object is sourced, the further it needs to reach if it is to be appreciated. Sight is a powerful tool. It is the most efficient conductor of information the brain possesses. Nevertheless, unlike sound or smell, sight can only be used on physical entities. Similarly, Mitzvos can only be performed with physical objects, because the holiness they express stems from an exalted level of G-dliness. This is what the angels refer to, the second time they proclaim Hashem holy

The degree of holiness of any one level, the method of drawing it down, the limitations or expression of any G-dly force are ultimately all decided by G-d Himself. It is He who is unbounded, uncontrolled, and unlimited who can impose limits or prescribe procedures. It is to this source of all sources that the angels sing their third and highest level of exaltation. This is a holiness that can only be found in the Torah.”

If you’d like to join the many happy readers, taking advantage of this new Shiur feel free to follow the link to join the group https://chat.whatsapp.com/GbMlXeJ6GeM0U59J7ZOFJ0 or text 514 699-9489 to be added to the broadcast group.


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