What’s Up With Our Crazy World?

The main pillars in our world appear to be crumbling left and right. From governments to moral standards — all are tearing at the seams. Is this world worth the efforts to improve it?

In the tumultuous world we live in, full of topsy-turviness, we may want to give up on trying to bring back peace and harmony. After all, is there any point in trying to tame a jungle? Well, as a matter of fact, we do have the responsibility to keep up with our efforts. And we have a good reason to, as the Rebbe explained to us on the 10th of Shevat.

On this day in 1951, the Rebbe formally accepted the nesius by saying a Ma’amar.

His first maamer opens with a statement defining our world. No, our world is not a jungle. It is Hashem’s garden and bridal chamber where originally, His essence was revealed.

At the time of Creation, there was no sin or negativity. This world was a comfortable and pleasurable place for Hashem. His presence in this world was fully apparent. And even now, the reality of the world remains unchanged. Beneath the layers of concealment, this world remains a beautiful garden. It has just grown wild, waiting for the gardener to prune the weeds and uncover its natural beauty.

Hidden behind the facade of the world, waiting to be revealed, is the G-dly orchard that it once was. The truth about our world encourages us to work on unveiling its inner beauty.

The fruits of the orchard are within reach. We must just dig beneath the surface of apparent negativity to unearth them, and create a comfortable place for Hashem in His garden, once again.

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