What to Talk About at a Shalom Zachar

When chassidim gather for a Shalom Zachar or Bris, what do they talk about? The Rebbe hoped that they would share Chassidus.

As the mazkir Reb Yudel Krinsky drove the Rebbe to shul on Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5746 (1985), the conversation turned to the bris of his grandson that he had just celebrated.

“Did the zeide recite a maamar at the bris celebration?” the Rebbe asked him. “What better opportunity is there to deliver a maamar, other than at the bris of an einikel?”

Reb Avrohom Zeligson, known as the Rebbe’s court-doctor, received unique care and directives from the Rebbe.

When Reb Avrohom’s son Yosef Yitzchok was born, he immediately informed the Rebbe of the birth.

In response, along with mazal tov wishes, the Rebbe lent him some maamarim of the Rebbe Maharash of the weekly parsha, Parshas Vayechi, “so that you have something to learn at the shalom zachar…”

(Krinsky Teshurah, Tammuz 5769; Toldos Reb Avrohom Harofeh, Page 144)


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