What the Rebbe Thought of Rav Wolfson’s Teachings

After publishing the first volume of his Emunas Itecha, Reb Moshe Wolfson was afraid to continue out of “fear of harm.” In an encouraging note, the Rebbe urged him not to fear, and to print his sefer which “brings love of Hashem, Torah, and Yidden.”

By Anash.org writer

After publishing the first volume of his Emunas Itecha, Reb Moshe Wolfson was afraid to continue out of “fear of harm,” and he wrote to the Rebbe of his fear.

In an encouraging note, the Rebbe urged him not to fear, and to print his sefer which “brings love of Hashem, Torah, and Yidden.”

The Rebbe circled the words “publish the second part,” and noted: (1)

Regarding what he wrote, “that it should not ch”v harm me,” the Rebbe wrote:

(2) On the contrary – it will benefit you greatly to publish it, and the sooner the better, because we see clearly how the forces of opposition are attempting in various strange ways to spread baseless hatred, R”L.

“Heavens should be alarmed” at how so many have fallen into its trap and are doing its work, etc., even though they know that this golus is because of baseless hatred, etc.

[There’s no need to speak, especially at length, about the opposite of the good of Yidden, except what is most necessary.]

Every word, especially in print – whose content will brings love of Hashem, Torah, and Yidden (including a Yid about whom Chazal pasken “even if he sins, he is still a Yid”)  which are all one, is a matter that the time calls for, requires and necessitates [and in the like of this – even if in doubt, one must publish it, all the more so that in my opinion, it is certain].


אדרבא ואדרבא – יועיל ויועיל להו”ל, ומה טוב בהקדם כי רואים במוחש איך שהלעו”ז מתנכל באופנים ובדרכים משונים להפיץ שנאת ישראל ר”ל, ושומו שמים על שכו”כ נפלו ברשתו ועושים מלאכתו וכו’, אף שיודעים שהגלות הזה הוא מפני שנאת חינם וכו’ [ואין לדבר ובפרט להאריך, בהיפך טובתם של ישראל, כ”א המוכרח ביותר]

וכל דיבור ובפרט הנדפס – שתוכנו מביא לאהבת השם, התורה וישראל (כולל כפס”ד רז”ל – אע”פ שחטא ישראל הוא) – שחד הוא, ה”ז ענין שהז”ג ודורש ומכריח [ובכהנ”ל – אפילו על הספק צריך להו”ל ובפרט שלדעתי זהו ודאי] אזכיר עה”צ לכהנ”ל. מצו”ב לצדקה באה”ק.

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