What Parshas Noach Teaches Us About War in Israel

Fifty years ago in 5734, in the midst of the Yom Kippur War, the Rebbe connected this week’s parshah, Parshas Noach, to wartime and its effects on our neshamos.

Fifty years ago in 5734, in the midst of the Yom Kippur War, the Rebbe connected this week’s parshahParshas Noach, to wartime and its effects on our neshamos.
The Mabul signifies how a great flood of negativity can, in actuality, bring about a certain positive result.
So too in wartime, the great flood of our enemies attacking us brings out the positive spark within us. Our faith shines brighter and stronger than ever before. Jewish hearts are awakened. And from the example of Israel’s soldiers, we can all learn a lesson in commitment. 
Now, Sichos in English brings this poignant sichah to you, translated into English for the very first time, carrying a message especially relevant to the current situation in Eretz Yisrael. Studying this sichah is bound to uplift and inspire.
*Responding to the heightened need for answers and direction, SIE will be providing content from the Rebbe addressing themes relevant to the current situation, under the title Jewish Hearts Awakened.
May we merit visible miracles as Am Yisrael is saved from the flood of our enemies and we march towards the ultimate victory, which is the true and complete Geulah.

Learn the Sichah Here

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