What Do I Actually Have to Clean for Pesach?

Do I have to clean behind my couch for Pesach? How about wiping down the walls of my kitchen? Harav Gedalia Oberlander, rov of Heichal Menachem in Monsey, released a clear and comprehensive Pesach cleaning guide. Download here on Anash.org.

Do I have to clean behind my couch for Pesach? How about wiping down the walls of my kitchen? Harav Gedalia Oberlander, rov of Heichal Menachem in Monsey, released a clear and comprehensive Pesach cleaning guide.

“There is a well-known Rosh that states: “Yisroel Kedoshim (Yidden are holy) and eradicate every last bit of chametz even those stuck to the walls of the homes.”

“However, one must know to what the Rosh refers. There are certain items that must be cleaned of chametz according to the basic halachah, while there are other things that are cleaned because of a stringency based on the Rosh’s concept of “Yisrael Kedoshim,” while there are yet other things that [many people might do, but] in reality there is no point in doing at all.

“Generally speaking, the concept of “Yisrael Kedoshim” applies with
regard to items that come in direct contact with eating and drinking. For since one is forbidden to eat even a minute amount of chametz on Pesach, we say “Yisroel Kedoshim” – Yidden are holy and they exercise extreme caution so as not to transgress and come to eat even the slightest particle of chametz on Pesach.

“However, there is a major difference between cleaning things that might have come in contact with chametz during the year and things which, realistically speaking, have not come in any contact with chametz during the year.

Click here to download and read the full guide.


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