Wednesday is Final Day of Girls’ Mivtzoim Program

Lubavitch Youth Organization is running a mivtza lulav program for girls in Crown Heights grades 4th grade – seminary. Tomorrow, Wednesday, will be the last day that the program will run for this year.

For the past few years the Lubavitch Youth Organization has run a mivtza lulav program for girls in Crown Heights grades 4th Grade-Seminary. This year in honor of the 70th birthday of mivtza lulav they are running the program for two days of chol hamoed, as your daughter may have heard in school from her BC Heads.

Tomorrow, Wednesday Yud Tes Tishrei, will be the second and last day that the program will run for this year.

The program pairs the girls with other girls their age, aiming to give them an amazing mivtzoim experience, and true to the goal, the girls come back every year ecstatic. They come back having shook lulav with hundreds of yidden, with good memories, amazing stories, and a good feeling knowing that they spent part of their chol hamoed doing the Rebbe’s mivtzoim.

Each group of participating girls receives a route, a metro cards, and food for the way. A pair of madrichot accompany Grades 4-8.

Grades 4-6 meet will go on mivtzoim 1:00-2:30 PM
Grades 7-Seminary will go on mivtzoim 3:00-4:30 PM

*Grades 11th-Seminary can choose to be madrichot for grades 4-8 if they so wish.

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