Watch: The Life and Teachings of Reb Volf Greenglass

Following the release of the book ‘The Mashpia’ on the life and teachings of the legendary mashpia Reb Volf Greenglass, his son-in-law Rabbi Dovid Cohen sat down with Rabbi Shais Taub for an extensive review.

Following the release of the book ‘The Mashpia’ on the life and teachings of the legendary mashpia Reb Volf Greenglass, his son-in-law Rabbi Dovid Cohen sat down with Rabbi Shais Taub for an extensive review.


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  1. I like the book very much. I read much of it. It explains Chassidisher things in a very understandable way.

    I think it’s important to give credit to those who worked many months tirelessly writing this book; Wellspring Press, Rabbi Yaakov Gershon, Rabbi Baron and more.
    Very well written book.

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