Watch: The Lesson We Can Learn from Chocolate

Tut Altz Kids hosted an online Hakel event in conjunction with their 8th segment in their Moshiach series. Entitled, “Go for the Gold” the event taught the importance of the pintele yid and the gold we each possess inside.

Chocolate has always been the favorite of many, yet how much of Chocolate is actually Chocolate? Cocoa beans are the source of all chocolate and cocoa and are found in the pods of the cocoa tree. Raw cocoa can take some getting used to and tastes very bitter. The answer is, sugar!

This demonstration and a whole chocolate-making show were part of a multi-faceted online Hakhel event just released for students in schools or children at home.

Go For Gold, the Hakhel event created by the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, is now available for viewing. A wrap-up of the Tut Altz Kids Curriculum- Learn With Geulah Now!- Segment #8- We’re Good & Geulah’dik. The event aims to teach kids the importance of the ‘Pintele Yid’ and understanding the “gold”  we each possess within. This geulah’dike message helps the kids appreciate how special they are and how to treat one another. The event is inspired by the Rebbe’s Sicha on Parshas Teruma 5752 (1992), discussing the uniqueness of being the chosen nation and the lessons we learn from building the Mishkan.

“The Rebbe invested countless hours speaking directly to children,” said Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch. “This event is a great opportunity for kids to learn more about what potential the Rebbe saw in them and how they can apply it to their lives.”

Moderated by Rabbi Mendel Lerman, the event is packed with inspiration and entertainment – including chocolate making by Rabbi Levi Raskin from JCrafts. It also features a 3D visual tour of the Third Beis Hamikdash by Mendel Lewis, creator of

Collect Gold Coins, Piece together the puzzle, and discover what hidden value is within Hashems’s creations; it’s worth a viewing! 

“Not only do these events teach the kids Geulah’dike messages, and make them feel empowered, they are also filled with other aspects, showing appreciation of the Boreh Olam and emphasis on making a Dirah Betachtonim.” says Rochel Baila Wolffe, event producer.

Go For Gold: Hakhel Event for Kids can be viewed by schools and families at or here. You do not need to be a registered member to access this event or be in the raffle.

Teachers and parents can send pictures of their kids watching the event to [email protected] or +1 (347) 343-4514 by Wednesday, 8 Adar- March 1st, to enter the exciting raffle to win personalized Tut Altz prizes.

The next Kids Pre-Purim Hakhel Event will be available from Monday 13 Adar- March 8th, reviewing Segment #9: Who’s in Charge Here. The booklet is available here for free download or on their website:

Special Pre-Purim FREE gift: Message the Moshiach Office to receive a free Purim game based on this learning booklet.

Also, message the Moshiach Office for any questions, comments, or sponsorship opportunities.


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