Watch: Plan Your Summer Right

Planning the summer right takes a lot more than just logistics and shopping lists; it takes preparation well beyond physical supplies.

Are you going to the bungalow colony this week? Next week? Are you running a day camp? Are you in charge of a counselor group? Do you run a travel camp?

“The Rebbe taught us that summertime has extraordinary opportunities for growth in Yiddishkeit. The more relaxed schedule is ideal for initiating new projects such as a learning group that encourages camaraderie around something spiritual,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302 and its Moshiach Office. “It is also the perfect time to teach something different, engaging, and refreshing to your children.”

Tut Altz Summer is offering resources perfect for every situation! With a focus on dynamic and relevant education, these programs are designed to help individuals of all ages commit to a study schedule during the summer months with a Moshiach focus.

For kids, Our Moshe and Me is a unique curriculum that explores the teachings of the Maamer Veata Tetzaveh through games, stories, and activities. Perfect for day camps and bungalow colonies, this program is a fun and engaging way for children to learn about Hiskashrus in the Moshiach generation. Children will develop a deeper appreciation for their own role in this unique time and the importance of a Rebbe.

Meanwhile, adults looking to deepen their understanding of the final mission laid out in the maamer Ve’ata Tetzaveh will find Aspiration: The Geulah Approach for Wanting Geulah to be an enriching and inspiring experience. This program is designed to help individuals explore the unique approach the Rebbe taught in the very concept of wanting Geulah and its relevance to daily life. This four-part Chavrusah series composites selected themes from the maamer with interesting commentary in a mini curriculum style, discussion starters, and take-away ideas.

Last summer, Ms. Rivka Goldberg gathered a group of friends in Crown Heights weekly to study and discuss the lessons.  “We wanted something easy and accessible to learn together throughout the summer. Aspiration proved to be a really great choice,” shared Goldberg. “The curriculum was clear, easy to read, comfortable, and beautifully designed. Everyone enjoyed the presentation of the concepts and greatly appreciated the conversations they sparked.”

In addition, just in time for the Three Weeks, Tut Altz is releasing an all-new Har Habayis booklet. This informative collection explores the rich history and significance of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, based on biblical and classical sources. This comprehensive collection, arranged by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Raskin, Shliach to Cote-Luc, is laid out in a beautifully designed booklet, with a line-by-line English translation.

“This is a one-of-a-kind compilation,” says Rabbi Shlomie Naparstek, Director of Tut Altz. “Having the entire subject of Har Habayis in one 56-page booklet gives you a new appreciation for it!”

All in all, don’t go to the country to just leave the city. Plan right. Whether you’re a child or an adult, a seasoned Torah scholar, or a newcomer to this genre of material, there’s something here for everyone. So why not make this summer the one where you deepen your connection to Torah and prepare yourself a little more for the coming of Moshiach? Check out the latest offerings from Tut Altz today at

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