As worldwide Jewry concludes Sefer Tahara today, we present two siyumim on Sefer Tahrah, which were addressed by Mikva experts Rabbi Levi Garelik and Rabbi Gershon Grossbaum.
As worldwide Jewry concludes Sefer Tahara today is pleased to share two siyumim on Sefer Tahara.
The siyumim feature Mikva experts Rabbi Levi Garelik and Rabbi Gershon Grossbaum, along with an address by Rabbi Eli Silberstein encouraging the daily study of Rambam, all hosted by the one and only Rabbi Raleigh Resnik.
Mazal tov and Hatzlacha in the learning of Sefer Nezikin!
VIDEO: Rabbi Eli Silberstein and Rabbi Gershon Grossbaum
VIDEO: Rabbi Levi Garelik
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