Watch: Interesting Topics in Halachos of Brachos

Video: At the recent virtual Siyum of the Rambam’s Sefer Ahava, Rabbi Mordechai Wenger of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Montreal, discussed interesting topics about the halachos of brachos on various foods.

On Monday, Chassidim the world over completed the study of Sefer Ahava, the second book of the Rambam. A virtual Siyum was be held by

The Siyum featured Rabbi Mordechai Wenger of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Montreal, a renowned expert on the halachos of brachos, a topic just studied in Sefer Ahava.

The program was hosted by the popular Rabbi Raleigh Resnick of the Tri-Valley, CA, and concluded with a trivia challenging viewers to their mastery of Sefer Ahava.

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