Watch: Encounters with the Rebbe’s Father

At a farbrengen of chassidim held on Chof Av, 5752, speakers related encounters they had with Rebbe’s father, and spoke words of chizuk to those gathered.

In connection with Chof Menachem-Av, RebbeDrive presents new footage documenting a historic Farbrengen of Chof Av, 5752/1992 – the Rebbe’s father’s Yartzeit.

Every year, the Rebbe would lead a Farbrengen on Chof Av in honor of his father. As this was just months after Chof Zayin Adar, this would be the first time in forty years, where the Rebbe did not address the Chassidim on Chof Av. Speakers at the Farbrengen recalled various memories of the Rebbe’s father, and spoke words of Chizuk to those gathered.

  • Emcee – Rabbi Nochum Kaplan
  • Rabbi Leibel Raskin
  • Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar, Florida.
  • Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky
  • Rabbi Dovid Raskin
  • Rabbi Yoel Kahn
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