Watch: Coronavirus Vaccine Q&A by Topic

Video: Are you wondering about a specific question regarding the Coronavirus vaccine? Watch the Gedalia society’s recent Q&A divided by minute-marker for each question and answered.

In response to the overwhelming feedback about the Q&A video recently released, discussing the COVID vaccine, we have added the minute-marker for each question being asked, so people can go to specific questions if they should so choose. Please bear in mind it is a long flowing conversation, and some answers rely on points raised elsewhere in the video, and so it is still best watched in its entirety. The question breakdown has also been translated into Hebrew and is added onto the clip description as well (and the video clip can autogenerate Hebrew subtitles if needed).

In addition, we had the session in its entirety transcribed, and available here: COVID Vaccine Q&A Transcript.

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Session breakdown by topic:

(Click on the minute marker to advance to that section)

3:20 How does the vaccine work?

12:39 Are children vectors?

15:21 How does the vaccine provide immunity?

19:55 Do we need masks and distancing after the vaccine?

20:30 One dose versus two doses?

25:40 How long will immunity from the vaccine last?

29:47 What about the new strains?

34:10 Is the vaccine safe?

50:31 Was the vaccine studied in pregnant women?

54:09 Does the vaccine affect fertility?

58:06 Does the vaccine affect or cause autoimmune disease?

1:02:17 What about other additives in the vaccine?

1:05:07 Can pregnant or breastfeeding women take the vaccine?

1:08:32 Aren’t people getting seriously ill and dying from the vaccine, and having serious allergies?

1:11:37 Aren’t many doctors against the vaccine?

1:14:47 Can the vaccine change your DNA?

1:16:31 Do we really need a vaccine if we have such good treatments?

1:17:47 If I’m young and healthy, why take the chance with the vaccine?

1:20:14 I had COVID and/or have antibodies; do I still need the vaccine?

1:24:25 Conclusion


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