Watch: OYYL’S Path to Pure Chinuch

Why start a school when there are already so many other wonderful yeshivas in Crown Heights? Unravel the motivations behind the OYYL’s creation in an all new video― showcasing the yeshivah’s unwavering commitment to chinuch in its purest form.

Why start a school when there are already so many other wonderful yeshivas in Crown Heights? Unravel the motivations behind the OYYL’s creation in an all new video― showcasing the yeshivah’s unwavering commitment to chinuch in its purest form.

Immerse yourself in the OYYL classrooms, where chinuch al taharas hakodesh comes to life, fostering intellectual, social, and emotional growth while nurturing a profound spiritual awareness rooted in Chabad chassidus. 

This week, in celebration of the Rebbe’s engagement and wedding day, OYYL presents a special initiative—bricks of pure chinuch

This initiative honors the Rebbe’s enduring passion for chinuch al taharas hakodesh, making it an important and relevant gift on his anniversary. 

To gift the Rebbe a brick in OYYL’s new building, please visit:

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