War Day 47: Hostage Deal Delayed; IDF Captures Hamas Intelligence

Daily war summary from Eretz Yisroel: the IDF discovers Hamas intelligence offices and clears them out of information before destroying them, two soldiers were killed, and the deal to free hostages was approved.

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

War Summary, Day Forty Seven:

236 held captive by Hamas.
5 hostages freed.
3 hostage bodies rescued.
1,200+ Israelis murdered.
70 fallen soldiers since entering Gaza.
7,771 injured.
10,500+ rockets fired at Israel.
187,533 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Hostage & Injured Updates:

The government approved the deal for the hostage release, but it has not yet been signed by relevant authorities in Israel or the countries (Qatar, Egypt, and the U.S.A.) who brokered the deal. It’s estimated that the ceasefire and exchange will only begin on Friday, at the soonest.

The deal is for four days, with the ability for Hamas to add on up to six more days by releasing a minimum of ten hostages each day. After a total of ten days, the government coalition must vote on an agreement again.

Israel did not yet receive a list of hostages who will be released by Hamas.

It is not yet fully understood to what extent the fire will stop inside Gaza during the four (and possibly more) days of the deal. There will be six hours a day with no air surveillance by the IDF. It appears that Hamas is expecting no fighting during the rest of the time either, even though the IDF will be maintaining their positions in Northern Gaza.

The Palestinian newspaper, al-Quds, reported that a source in Qatar claims that the ceasefire and the release of the hostages is being postponed until Friday due to “last minute disputes.”

The Choosing Life Forum and father of hostage Elyakim Liberman sent a petition to the High Court, asking them to stop the release of the terrorists. “Any release of terrorists endangers the people of Israel. Many of us have lost loved ones to a terrorist who was released in one deal or another, and we believe that this time too the Israeli government is endangering its citizens.”

Several similar petitions have already been rejected by the Supreme Court, and it is unlikely that any will be accepted.

While most government coalition members voted exactly as they were expected to (everyone for, except for Otzma Yehudit), it is notable that the Religious Zionist party, headed by Betzalel Smotrich, switched after the long brief and closed-door discussions through the night.

Smotrich explained, ”It’s no secret that before the discussion in the government we thought otherwise, but during the long and thorough discussion we were all convinced that the return of the abductees would advance the goals of the war and that the government. The cabinet and the entire security establishment are unreservedly committed to the continuation of the war until the destruction of Hamas.”

Upon release, each abductee will be assigned a personal social worker, who will take care of all their recuperation needs onwards. Soldiers who will be escorting the hostages out of Gaza were given sensitivity training to reduce trauma to the children during their release.

The Red Crescent has agreed to visit the remaining hostages, and bring medicine to them, if Hamas upholds the agreement and allows them access.

On the other end, the Shin Bet has began preparing security protocols for releasing the terrorists as part of the deal. Those released are either woman, or juveniles under age 19. None are convicted of murder, but several are convicted of attempted murder or terror arson.

Gaza Front Updates:

Hamas fired rockets 11 times today, limited to the Gaza Envelope communities, including Sderot. No physical injuries were reported.

The IDF announced the names of two soldiers who fell in combat in Gaza:

Cpl. Liron Snir, 25, from Ofra
Staff Sgt. Eitan Dov Rosenzweig, 21, from Alon Shvut

Defense Minister Galant again emphasized, “The image of victory must include the dismantling of Hamas; I am committed to this and so is the security establishment. I say here, I and the Israel Defense Forces are obligated to continue the war until Hamas is eliminated.”

The IDF Givati Infantry advanced into the Sheikh Za’id neighborhood, which is in between Beit Hanoun and Jabaliya, and was home to several senior Hamas officials. In Sheikh Za’id, the Givati soldiers captured the headquarters of Hamas’s Northern Brigade. The soldiers also located and raided a compound belonging to Hamas’s elite Nukhba forces. In the compound were a number of tunnel shafts, and a strategic entrance, as well as equipment used for planning and executing the October 7th attack. The IDF destroyed the compound, and eliminated several terrorists found in and around it. They also destroyed a rocket factory and launcher found nearby.

IDF Paratroopers advanced into the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City, and captured a Hamas outpost, as well as the offices of Hamas’s intelligence division. In the ensuing raid, the IDF forces seized intelligence materials, technical equipment, and important information about Hamas’s tunnel system. They also found a drone manufacturing workshop, mortars, and other weapons. After the intelligence gathering, the outpost and offices were destroyed.

The IDF released a video with more footage of the sophisticated tunnel underneath Shifa Hospital. In the video, the IDF Spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari, shows how Hamas used water and electricity from the hospital to power bathrooms, a kitchen, and air conditioning in the tunnel. In other words, international funding and donations to Shifa Hospital were all directly sponsoring the upkeep of Hamas terror tunnels.

Items belonging to at least two hostages were found inside the tunnels.

The IDF announced that troops have destroyed around 400 tunnel shafts inside Gaza since the start of the ground operation.

The IDF again carried out targeted airstrikes in Khan Younis, in the south of Gaza.

Northern Front Updates:

Hezbollah fired several barrages of fire and missiles into the far north of Israel today. No physical injuries were reported.

The IDF struck many Hezbollah terror targets, including a command center, and launcher, and eliminated at least two terror cells as they were attempting to fire at Israel

Syrian media reports that the IDF attacked a site near Damascus.

A source in Hezbollah told Al Jazeera that they were not part of the negotiations but they will also be committed to ceasefire. However, he threatened that any escalation by Israel would be met with a response.

Additional War Fronts Updates:

The Houthis fired a cruise missile towards Eilat, triggering sirens in the city. An IDF fighter jet shot the missile down before it could enter Israeli airspace.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian threatened that if the cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, which is expected to take effect tomorrow, is not extended, “the war will spread.” This may just be another empty threat, but attempting to take advantage of the hostage deal and push the ceasefire to be a complete stop on the war.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

Last night, IDF and Magav forces operated in the Tulkarm refugee camp. During the operation, there were heavy exchanges of fire with terrorists. IAF Aircraft eliminated the terrorists, protecting the ground forces.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades announced that this morning about five of their terrorists were killed in Tulkarem during an IDF drone attack.

International Updates:

The government of Switzerland has announced that it will promote legislation banning Hamas activity in the country. “This is the most appropriate response to the situation prevailing in the Middle East since October 7,” the government statement said.

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