War Day 46: Two Soldiers Killed, Terrorists Claim Hostage Died

War Summary, Day Forty Six: As the world is focused on a possible hostage deal, Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed that one hostage died. Rockets continue to be fired into Israel from the North and the South.

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

War Summary, Day Forty Six

236 held captive by Hamas.
5 hostages freed.
3 hostage bodies rescued.
1,200+ Israelis murdered.
68 fallen soldiers since entering Gaza.
7,771 injured.
10,500+ rockets fired at Israel.
187,540 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Hostage & Injured Updates:

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) announced that Chana Katzir, a 77-year-old Israeli whom they took hostage from Nir Oz after killing her husband on October 7th, has “died” in captivity. Chana was ill, and needed medication in order to stay alive. The PIJ knew this, and kept her anyways, resulting in her murder. The IDF has not yet confirmed this report.

Israel’s government cabinet is currently meeting to vote on a hostage release deal, that will bring home between 50-80 Israeli hostages, starting with children and mothers, in exchange for daily 6-hour pauses in fire and air surveillance, as well as the release of 3 security prisoners per hostage. For more details, check the outline I shared earlier.

It appears that the deal will be voted through, after a very long discussion through the night, although there may be slight adjustments.

Not everyone is in support of the deal, and many who vote for it do so with mixed emotions, but placing the immediate rescue of hostages at top priority.

Defense Minister Gallant made it clear that between pauses, IDF operations will continue in full strength. He and Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi have emphasized that the deal only became possible because of the IDF’s powerful attacks on Hamas, which put Hamas in a desperate position.

Thousands of soldiers’ families urgently called on the government not to endanger the soldiers’ lives. “We put their lives and ours in your hands, take care of them and don’t give in to pressures that don’t take the lives of our sons and husbands into account.”

The Almagor Terror Victims Organization intends to appeal to the High Court. “We intend to ask the High Court for an exhaustive discussion on the deal being forged,” says Lt. Col. Meir Indore of Almagor’s leadership, “we have appealed to the Minister of Justice to order the Pardons Department to immediately transfer the details of the names, ages, and transfers of the terrorists, and the sentences handed down to those scheduled to be released in the deal with Hamas.”

Five hospitals were told to prepare private areas for the hostages to be brought to, where only the necessary medical staff and immediate family members will be allowed. The hospitals are: Schneider, Sheba, Assaf Harofeh, Wolfson, Ichilov and Soroka.

Gaza Front Updates:

Rockets and missiles were launched into Israel 8 times today, primarily in the Gaza Envelope communities, with one barrage to the Ashkelon area, and one to the lower center. No hits or injuries were reported.

The IDF announced the names of two soldiers who fell in combat in Gaza:

Capt. (res.) Arnon Moshe Avraham Benvenisti Vaspi, 26 years old, from Yisod HaMaaleh
Staff Sgt. Ilya Sankin, 20 years old, from Nof HaGalil

In addition, five soldiers were seriously injured.

The IDF’s 162nd Division completed the encirclement of Jabaliya in Northern Gaza, a significant Hamas stronghold. Three tunnel entrances on the outskirts of Jabaliya were struck—with Hamas terrorists inside. The combat soldiers also took several Hamas terrorists captive, confiscated many weapons, and destroyed several rocket launchers. The soldiers are preparing to maneuver into a complete takeover of Jabaliya.

Over the last day, IDF aircraft attacked around 250 Hamas terror targets in Gaza. Among the targets were dozens of terrorists, missile launchers, and various terrorist infrastructures. Amongst the target was the missile launcher which fired at the Tel Aviv area yesterday, and was located inside a residential area.

Combat soldiers located a cache of weapons inside the house of a Hamas terrorist from the Nakhba unit, and in another home, an anti-tank missile hidden under a baby’s crib.

Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi visited combat soldiers inside of Gaza, and spoke to reservists. He told them, “You entered here with force, and did very serious damage to Hamas in the Beit Hanun battalion. The road is still a long way, but we are determined to follow this road and really bring the achievements to the maximum. We will dismantle Hamas, both military and governmental, both to create security around the region, and to return the kidnapped. The maneuver [in Gaza] creates better conditions for the return of the abductees, and we will continue with this pressure.”

Netanyahu said to the ministers at the beginning of the government cabinet meeting, “I would like to make it clear – we are at war, and we will continue the war, until we achieve all our goals. Yesterday evening, together with the members of the War Cabinet, I met the members of the families of the abductees, I listened, and paid close attention to their plight. I am committed to the return of the abducted, we will return them all. War has stages, and the return of the abducted also has stages, but we will not let up until we achieve complete victory. This is my sacred duty, and that of all of us.”

IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari, presented new photos of the tunnels underneath Shifa Hospital, showing that the IDF had breached Hama’s “explosive proof” door.

Following the IDF’s presentation of indisputable proof that Hamas used Shifa Hospital for terrorism, and even held and murdered captives in the hospital with full knowledge of onsite medical staff, Israeli Health Minister Uriel Bosso addressed the World Health Organization with strong words of protest.

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

The IDF and Israeli government are coordinating a number of medical efforts with other countries to assist civilians in Gaza. Amongst them:

  • Eighty cancer patients from the Turkish Hospital in Gaza have been evacuated for treatment in Turkey.
  • Both Jordan and the UAE will be setting up field hospitals in Southern Gaza.
  • Premature babies were transferred to Egypt for further care.
  • Many sick and wounded Gaza civilians were transported via the crossing with Egypt to receive medical care in Egypt, the UAE, and Turkey.

In addition, the IDF is supplying food for all the patients in Shifa Hospital.

Northern Front Updates:

The north has seen a significant escalation today, with many explosive drones sent into Israeli territory from Lebanon. No injuries were reported.

Earlier today, the IDF assassinated Khalil al-Haraz, the deputy commander of the Hamas units in Lebanon. Two journalists affiliated with Hezbollah were also killed in the attack.

In response to the death of the Lebanese journalists, Hezbollah threatened retaliation, and then fired many more missiles and drones into the far northern communities in Israel.

The IDF attacked many Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanon, including anti-tank missile launchers.

10:49: IDF spokesman: IDF aircraft recently identified and attacked three anti-tank squads in the Lebanese border area. In addition, IDF warplanes attacked a number of terrorist targets of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, including military and infrastructure to target terrorism. A short time ago, terrorists fired a mortar bomb at an IDF post in the Lebanese border area. There were no casualties. IDF forces are attacking the source of the fire with artillery.

In today’s threats, Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah, Naim Kassem, said that “as long as the aggression on the Gaza Strip continues, then the possibility of war continues. All options depend on developments on the ground.”

An AFP report claims that the The White House believes that the Wagner force, which is controlled by Russia, is about to provide air assistance to Hezbollah or Iran. The IDF doesn’t seem too concerned.

Additional War Fronts Updates

In reference to the Houthi hijacking of the “Galaxy Leader” cargo ship, the spokesman for the British government said that they “demand the immediate and unconditional release of the ship and its crew”.

The US is considering adding the Houthis to the list of terrorist organizations.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

The IDF spokesman announced that with the assistance of the Shin Bet, two brigade operations were conducted in broad daylight directed in the Lata “camp” in Shechem (Nablus), and in the village of Burka in Binymin. Last night, 26 wanted persons were arrested throughout Judea and Samaria.

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