War Day 237: 3 Fallen Soldiers, Wide IDF Activity in Jenin, Tulkarm

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Thirty Seven: Hamas turns down hostage and ceasefire deal, one fallen IDF hero in Gaza and two in Judea & Samaria, Hamas operated from inside a medical clinic inside of a UNRWA school campus in Rafah, ISIS supporter arrested for planning attacks, and wide IDF activity in Jenin and Tulkarm.

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

125 held captive in Gaza.
41 hostages confirmed murdered in Gaza.
112 hostages freed.
19 hostage bodies rescued.
1,531 Israelis killed.
292 fallen soldiers in the battle in Gaza.
14 fallen soldiers in Northern Israel.
7 fallen soldiers in Judea & Samaria.
14,100 estimated rockets fired at Israel.
90,000 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Top Headlines:

  • PIJ releases follow-up video of hostage Alex Troufanov
  • Hamas turns down hostage and ceasefire deal
  • One fallen IDF hero in Gaza, two in Judea & Samaria
  • Hamas operated from inside a medical clinic inside of an UNRWA school campus in Rafah
  • Netanyahu gives interview in France—ahead of possible end to France’s negotiations with Lebanon
  • ISIS supporter arrested for planning attacks
  • Wide IDF activity in Jenin and Tulkarm

Hostage Updates:

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) published a follow-up video of hostage Alex Troufanov. In the video–which is clearly scripted, and demonstrates what the PIJ and Hamas want—he says that he is in good condition, being well taken care of, and asks that people continue to protest the Israeli government to demand the release of the hostages, and that the Al Jazeera news network be allowed to operate again. That he referenced the ban on Al Jazeera indicates that the video was filmed in recent weeks.

Israel says that these views are a form of cruel psychological warfare, and asks that they not be shared.

According to reports, Israel submitted a hostage release and ceasefire proposal which was accepted by the mediators (Egypt, Qatar, and the U.S.). Hama turned it down, saying that they are only willing to accept a deal which brings about a complete end to the war and IDF withdrawal from Gaza.

Gaza Front Updates:

Hamas fired rockets at Kibbutz Nirim, on the Gaza border.

The IDF announced the name of one hero who fell in battle in Northern Gaza:

Staff Sgt. Yedidya Azugi, 21, from Revava

Four divisions of IDF troops are currently operating in Gaza: the 98th Division in Northern Gaza’s Jabaliya; the Gaza Division in limited pinpoint operations; the 99th Division along the Netzarim Corridor and Central Gaza; and the 162nd Division in Rafah. Over the last day, the Israeli Air Force attacked over 50 Hamas targets across the Gaza Strip.

Most of the operation in Jabaliya is complete, and all brigades except one were withdrawn. The remaining brigade is holding ground, and continuing with searches for rocket launchers, tunnel shafts, weapons caches, and holdout terrorists.

After a thorough search, the IDF demolished the large Hamas tunnel in Jabaliya, in which they had found the bodies of 7 hostages.

Troops operating in Central Gaza along the Netzarim Corridor eliminated a few terrorists, and found a hidden weapons cache. Reports on ground say that the Air Force struck a number of targets in the al-Boreij area.

The IDF is continuing to advance in Rafah, and is gradually increasing the number of forces in the city. Troops have eliminated around 300 terrorists in Rafah since May 6th.

The IDF released background information on the blast that killed three IDF soldiers on Tuesday. The incident happened after Hamas fired anti-tank missiles from inside an UNRWA school at IDF troops. The troops entered the building to search for the terrorists, and inside the school medical clinic found a tunnel. As the troops approached the tunnel, it exploded, sadly causing the casualties. The IDF troops also found a large number of weapons, and more tunnels inside the UNRWA school complex, including inside the classrooms.

Tonight, Israel’s War Cabinet has reportedly begun discussing alternative governing options for Gaza, in replacement of Hamas.

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

Last night, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin discussed the reopening of the Rafah crossing for humanitarian aid. Gallant emphasized to the Secretary of Defense that Israel is not opposed to the opening of the crossing, but will not agree to transfer the responsibility to Hamas members or to elements linked to the terrorist organization.

On Wednesday, May 29:
335 humanitarian aid trucks were transferred to Gaza
41 trucks were coordinated and transferred to northern Gaza
5 tankers (267,000 liters) of fuel designated for humanitarian purposes in Gaza, entered Gaza
There are 8 operational field hospitals, and 3 mobile clinics in Gaza
2 UNFPA mobile maternity rooms were transferred to Gaza yesterday

Northern Front Updates:

Hezbollah continued to fire heavily on Israel’s far north, launching rockets, anti-tank missiles, and attack drones at Israeli communities. The IDF retaliated as usual, with airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in Southern Lebanon, including against buildings with terrorists inside.

Hezbollah announced two eliminated terrorists from its ranks today. Since the beginning of the war, Hezbollah as announced the names of about 325 terrorists that Israel has eliminated.

Prime Minister Netanyahu gave an interview on French TV this evening (in French). According to Israel Hayom analysts, his primary goal was to prepare ground for a wider war with Lebanon. Lebanon was under French administration until 1943, and still has strong diplomatic ties, with France being the country’s strongest Western ally. France has been trying to negotiate a ceasefire between Hezbollah and Lebanon since the start of the war—but with no success.

(Netanyahu’s secondary reason for the interview is to discourage France from unilaterally recognizing a Palestinian State.)

Houthi & Iraqi War Front Updates

This morning, a cruise missile launched from Iraq was downed by air defenses over the southern Golan Heights.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

The IDF announced the names of two IDF heroes who were killed last night after a car-ramming attack near Shechem (Nablus).

Staff Sgt. Eliya Hilel, 20, from Tel Zion
Staff Sgt. Diego Shvisha Harsaj, 20, from Tel Aviv

The Israeli Police and the Shin Bet arrested an East Jerusalem Palestinian who had contacted ISIS representatives, travelled to Turkey and countries in Africa for training, and intended to carry out terror attacks.

Today, during broad daylight, a large group of 150 IDF and Border Police forces carried out a counter-terrorism operation in Jenin. During the activity there was shooting and stone throwing by terrorists, and the Israeli forces neutralized a number of terrorists. There are no casualties among the IDF forces. Part of the operation was in and around the hospital in Jenin.

The IDF is also continuing with counterterrorism operations in the Tulkarm area, cracking down on shootings, and focusing on terrorist funds. Over the last week, more than 40 wanted persons were arrested, and 400,000 ILS in cash was confiscated.

International Updates:

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khameini, posted on twitter/X in support of anti-Israel protesters:

“Dear university students in the United States of America, you are standing on the right side of history.
You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government’s ruthless pressure – which openly supports Zionists.”

He also later added: “Dear university students in the US, my advice to you is to become familiar with the Quran.”

Sponsored by the Joseph Gold Family in honor of the Efunes. Thank you for being a trustworthy resource to so many. Many Brochos to you.

The tunnel in which the bodies of 7 hostages were found

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