War Day 220: Reservists Called to North, Rafah Fighting Intensifies

Expanded evacuation warnings in Rafah.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Twenty: Many reservists were told to report to positions in the north this week as war in Lebanon expected to commence imminently, the IDF advanced in Rafah as fighting intensifies in in northern Gaza as well, and Egypt and the US’s warnings of mass casualties if a war starts in Rafah were unfounded which leads many to suspect that Egypt has something to hide such as a weapons-smuggling operation which could have been earning large profit.

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Twenty:

Today will have a shortened summary, with details of events filled in more tomorrow.

  • Thank G-d no fallen heroes were announced.
  • Hamas fired three barrages of rockets on Israeli communities near the Gaza border today.
  • Fighting in Gaza intensified, with 120 airstrikes today.
  • In Northern Gaza wide-scale operations are ongoing in Jabalia and Gaza City’s Zeitoun neighborhood.
  • The IDF advanced in Rafah
  • It appears that almost all civilians evacuated the areas in Rafah where the IDF told them to.
  • It appears that Egypt and the US’s warnings of mass casualties if a war starts in Rafah were unfounded. This is leading many to (more strongly) suspect that Egypt has something to hide along the Egypt-Gaza border, such as a weapons-smuggling operation which could have been earning large profits. This is an unconfirmed suspicion which we might learn more about when the IDF takes over and searches the remainder of the Philadelphi Corridor for tunnels.
  • Hezbollah continued firing at Israel’s far north, and the IDF responded as usual.
  • Many reservists were told to report to positions in the north this week.

Videos from this week:

Miracle in Be’er Sheva:
On Friday afternoon, the playgrounds were full of kids. There hasn’t been a siren in Be’er Sheva in a while, so no one was concerned. Very suddenly, a fierce sand storm began, blowing sand and leaves into everyone’s faces. Most kids ran home.

Ten minutes later there was a siren. Five rockets were launched at Be’er Sheva, one was intercepted, and one directly hit a playground which had moments earlier been filled with children.
The rocket caused heavy damage to the playground, and even to the building near it. But thankfully, only one woman was lightly injured. The sand storm stopped as suddenly as it had started.

Fire in Kiryat Shemona, after a barrage of 35 rockets from Hezbollah.

A heavy Hezbollah rocket misses homes, but starts a fire and shatters windows in Shlomi, near the Lebanon border.

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