War Day 165: Two Shin Bet Officers Injured, Houthi Missile Hits Israel

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Sixty Five: A terrorist opened fire near the Gush junction and injured two Shin Bet officers, the IDF cleared that the “suspicious aerial target” which struck an area north of Eilat on Monday was a Houthi missile, and a new brigade which will operate on Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon called the Mountains Brigade was launched.

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Sixty Five:

134 held captive in Gaza.
112 hostages freed.
11 hostage bodies rescued.
35 hostages confirmed murdered in Gaza.
1,400+ Israelis murdered.
251 fallen soldiers in the battle in Gaza.
6 fallen soldiers in Northern Israel.
3 fallen soldiers in Judea & Samaria.
14,900 injured.
14,100 estimated rockets fired at Israel.
102,100 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Top Headlines:

  • Highly successful raid in Shifa Hospital
  • Biden administration delaying IDF entry into Rafah
  • PM Netanyahu says IDF is ahead of schedule
  • Two soldiers injured from fire in the north
  • US tells Lebanon is cannot prevent war
  • First Houthi missiles hit ground in Israel
  • Two Shin Bet officers injured in Judea and Samaria

Hostage Updates:

Negotiations are ongoing. The current talks are for the release of 40 hostages over a 40-day ceasefire.

Gaza Front Updates:

Hamas has not successfully fired rockets onto Israeli civilians today.

The IDF announced the name of a hero who fell in battle in Gaza:

Warrant Officer (res.) Sebastian Haion, 51, from Rosh Haayin

Sebastian, known by friends as “Sabi,” fell during the fighting against Hamas in Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital.

The Prime Minister’s Office announced that in the interest of continuing the war against Hamas, and following the request of US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Netanyahu will send Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer and head of the National Assembly Tzachi Hanegbi to Washington. The delegation will be accompanied by a representative from the IDF. The meeting will only be held next week, and the IDF will not enter Rafah until then.

At the Knesset security committee meeting, Netanyahu reiterated that the goals of the war are to dismantle Hamas, return the hostages, and ensure that Hamas will no longer pose a threat to Israel. Hinting towards Rafah, Netanyahu added that “In order to do that, we need to complete the military elimination of Hamas. There is no substitute for that, you can’t go around it, you can’t say ‘we will destroy 80% of Hamas’, ‘we will destroy 20%’, because those 20% will reorganize and retake the Strip, and of course they will pose a renewed threat to Israel, and of course it will also be a victory for the broader axis that threatens us—the Iranian axis.” 

Netanyahu also said that the War Cabinet had expected the war to take more time, and we are now ahead of schedule.

The raid for Hamas terrorists inside Shifa Hospital continued today. Over 50 terrorists were eliminated in and around the hospital during the raid, and 300 Hamas suspects have been arrested. Amongst those arrested are dozens of prominent terrorists belonging to both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), including some who were involved in directing attacks against Jewish communities and soldiers in Judea and Samaria, some from Hamas’s propaganda unit, and some from the PIJ’s rocket unit.

Once detained, the suspects are first questioned by field interrogators from the military’s intelligence unit, before being taken to Israel for further examination.

In addition to terrorists, troops also located large stockpiles of weapons, especially in the office adjacent to the hospital director’s office.

In Central Gaza, IDF troops are continuing with targeted operations, and eliminated “several” Hamas terrorists over the last day.

In Southern Gaza, in Qarara, the IDF carried out targeted airstrikes against Hamas positions, including against an anti-tank launching site.

The IDF announced that it has wrapped up the operation in Hamad, the town built by Qatar. Over 100 terrorists were eliminated in the operation, and many were arrested. Several booby-trapped buildings used by Hamas were destroyed. Weapons stockpiles were found in residential buildings and two tunnels.

According to Hamas announcements, the IDF eliminated 3 senior officers in the Hamas police over the last day. The officers were connected to the movement of aid trucks in the Gaza Strip. Insiders familiar with Hamas police operations suggest that the IDF is eliminating Hamas members who are responsible for hoarding aid supplies and diverting food away from civilians.

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

248 trucks carrying humanitarian aid were inspected by Israel and transferred to Gaza today.
Of those trucks, the UN only distributed 126 inside Gaza.

A Reuters report quotes Palestinian officials saying that militants from clans and similar factions have begun providing security for aid convoys in Gaza. Other sources inside Gaza say that these clans have been distributing the aid more fairly, and without selling it as Hamas does.

A report by the IPC (a group of international charities and organizations known as the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification initiative) claims that famine is imminent in Gaza. The IDF’s COGAT division refutes the claim as entirely accurate, and says, “The IPC report quotes Hamas figures uncritically, claims to be a projection, yet admits that it “does not take into account the latest developments on the ground,” including major humanitarian initiatives last week. As such, it’s a bad assessment based on an out-of-date picture.”

COGAT says the only place with low food supply is in Gaza City, where efforts have significantly increased to bring supply. Residents of Gaza City were told to evacuate over five months ago, but approximately 300,000 chose to stay, many in support of Hamas. A humanitarian corridor allows civilians to evacuate at any time. Central Gaza, where there is a large supply of food, is only 10 kilometers away.

Northern Front Updates:

Hezbollah fire on Israel’s far north injured two IDF soldiers in the Manara area. One is listed in light condition, and the other as moderate. Hezbollah anti-tank missiles frequently evade the radar, and hit without any warning. Hezbollah also launched an attack drone, which was downed by air defenses.

The IDF responded by launching airstrikes against Hezbollah positions in Southern Lebanon, including a building in which Hezbollah terrorists were gathered, and eliminated a Hezbollah terrorist who was spotted at an observation post near the border.

The IDF published evidence indicating that Hezbollah used a yellow ambulance in the village of Kila in southern Lebanon, which bears the symbol of the village and belongs to the “Islamic Health Authority” association, for terrorist purposes. 

According to the Saudi news agency “Al-Hadath,” the US has informed Lebanon that it is unable to prevent a war between Israel and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. The agency claims that there is a European-American interest in assisting the Lebanese army financially, but they are still waiting for a comprehensive plan, and there appears to be disagreements between France and the U.S. on how to conduct the issue. Hezbollah’s army is thought to be significantly stronger than Lebanon’s army, but it may be impossible to assist the Lebanese army without inadvertently also assisting Hezbollah.

Syria’s state-run news agency reported overnight (Monday) IDF airstrikes against several military sites near Damascus, causing “material losses” but no casualties. The Syrian agency also claimed to have intercepted IDF missiles fired from the Golan Heights—a bizarre and unrealistic claim. But according to the Syrian opposition, the IDF struck weapons depots belonging to Hezbollah, a fire broke out at the scene, and there were several dead and wounded terrorists.

Later reports indicate that tonight (Tuesday), the IDF eliminated militants in Syria, including a Hezbollah commander.

The IDF announced the formation of a new regional brigade, which will operate on Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon. The new brigade is named “HaHarim,” which translations as the Mountains Brigade. The brigade will operate in the Mount Dov and Mount Hermon areas, and will replace an existing brigade in one area. The IDF says that the brigade was formed in response to current situational assessments of the northern border.

The evacuation of residents of the north is now expected to continue past September.

Houthi War Front Updates:

The IDF cleared for publication that the “suspicious aerial target” which struck an open area north of Eilat early Monday morning was a cruise missile. This is the first time that a Houthi projectile hit Israeli territory. In the past, missiles and drones launched by Houthis were either intercepted, or hit Egypt. A few months ago an attack drone hit a school building in Eilat, and was reported to have been from Syria.

Late Tuesday night, a second cruise missile came from the direction of the Red Sea, and crashed into an open area near Eilat. The missile was monitored by the Israeli Air Force, who assessed that it did not need to be intercepted. There were no casualties and no damage was caused.

The U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that on Monday its forces “successfully engaged and destroyed seven anti-ship missiles, three unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and three weapons storage containers in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen in self-defense.”

Judea and Samaria Updates:

A terrorist opened fire near the Gush junction, and injured two Shin Bet officers. One is listed in serious but stable condition, and the other is lightly injured. The pair returned fire at the terrorist and “neutralized” him. The terrorist was identified as Ziad Hamran, 30, from Jenin.

Overnight, IDF, Shin Bet and Border Police forces arrested nine wanted persons throughout Judea and Samaria, and destroyed explosives intended to harm troops. So far, since the beginning of the war, about 3,500 wanted persons have been arrested throughout Judea and Samaria Division, over 1,500 of whom are associated with Hamas, and the rest are associated with various other terror groups.

International Updates:

Canadian Foreign Minister, Melanie Jolly, ordered the cessation of arms exports to Israel. Although no Israeli requests to purchase arms from Canada have been submitted, Jolly has decided that future requests, if any, will be rejected.

Israel-Canada Friendship Chairman, MK Dan Iloz, sent a scathing letter to the Canadian Foreign Minister, Melanie Jolly, following her decision to stop arms exports. He raised concerns about a serious precedent: “a dangerous signal to the world that Canada is ready to repel a democratic ally in favor of reconciling radical elements.”

Foreign Minister Israel Katz said: “History will judge you harshly.”

The IDF introduced the new Mountains Brigade:

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