War Day 160: Stabbing Attack, Two Foiled, US Sanctions on Israeli Farms

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Sixty: Stabbing attack kills one, IDF eliminates rocket launching sources in record time, two attempted terrorist attacks foiled in Judea and Samaria, and US Treasury imposes sanctions on Israeli farms which the State Department claims are used to “launch attacks against Palestinians.”

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

134 held captive in Gaza.
112 hostages freed.
11 hostage bodies rescued.
34 hostages confirmed murdered in Gaza.
1,400+ Israelis murdered.
249 fallen soldiers in the battle in Gaza.
6 fallen soldiers in Northern Israel.
3 fallen soldiers in Judea & Samaria.
14,900 injured.
14,000 rockets fired at Israel.
102,000 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Top Headlines:

  • Terror attack outside Be’er Sheva
  • U.S. preventing the IDF from fighting in Rafah
  • Miraculously, no IDF fatalities in Gaza since Sunday
  • First boat aid shipment to arrive
  • Hamas again lies about IDF killing civilians as they receive aid
  • Two terror attacks prevented in Judea and Samaria communities
  • U.S. imposes sanctions on two Jewish farms in Judea and Samaria

Hostage Updates:

Qatar has threatened Hamas’s leadership who live in Qatar that they will be expelled if they do not bring about a deal to release the hostages and bring a temporary ceasefire. Hamas claims to have lowered their demands and passed the responsibility to Israel, but PM Netanyahu says that the demands are still passed Israel’s red lines. It appears that Hamas is still demanding the release of top terrorists who have blood on their hands, and a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

Terror Attack in Israel

This morning a terrorist stabbed and killed an IDF officer, and lightly wounded three others, at the Beit Kama junction just north of Be’er Sheva.

Chief Warrant Officer Uri Moyal, 51, was stabbed multiple times while standing in line at the Aroma coffee shop. He heroically wrestled the terrorist off of him, then stood up and shot and eliminated the terrorist, before he stepped outside and collapsed. He was then evacuated to the hospital where his death was announced.

The terrorist was identified by the Shin Bet as Fadi Abu Altyaf, 22, who grew up in Gaza but received Israeli citizenship after marrying a woman from Rahat, and moving to the Bedouin city. Altyaf’s mother was also from Rahat, and under “family reunification” laws, Altyaf was given an easy path to Israeli citizenship, despite his radical upbringing.

Gaza Front Updates:

Hamas fired rockets at civilians in Netivot Ha’Asarah, in the Gaza Envelope.

Thank G-d the IDF did not announce the names of any fallen soldiers today.

Mathew Miller, the spokesperson for the White House State Department, stated that the administration demanded to see Israel’s action plan ahead of any increased activity in Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city which borders with Egypt and currently has an estimated 2.2 million residents. Israel has not shown any plans the the U.S. This statement comes after reports that the U.S. told Israel it would only support a limited “counterterrorism-like operation” in Rafah, and not a complete war like in the rest of Gaza. When asked, Miller denied claims that the U.S. has threatened to halt or limit arms sales to Israel if the IDF does fight in Rafah.

The Israeli war cabinet and IDF have repeatedly made it clear that without a complete maneuver into Rafah it will be impossible to defeat Hamas.

In Central Gaza, the IDF spotted a squad of terrorists after they fired a mortar towards Kibbutz Nachal Oz, which fell short. The squad was located and eliminated via airstrike within 5 minutes—an unprecedented response time. A total of 7 Hamas terrorists were eliminated in Central Gaza today, by airstrike an artillery fire.

In Southern Gaza, IDF troops are scouting the town of Hamad door-to-door to locate any remaining terrorists after a successful operation. At least five terrorists were found and eliminated.

In Khan Younis, troops are continuing with the tireless job of finding weapons and tunnel shafts, which are found at least every 20 meters. In one instance today, rockets were found in a storeroom next to a school, and mortars were found hidden under a bed in a family home.

In Bani Suheila, just outside Khan Younis, troops found and eliminated five terrorists.

According to newly updated reports, nearly half of the residents from the evacuated communities in the south have returned home, or settled in new homes further from the border with Gaza.

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

244 humanitarian aid trucks were inspected and transferred to Gaza today.
21 aid trucks were successfully coordinated to northern Gaza.
94 packages of humanitarian aid were airdropped by Jordan over northern Gaza.
The IDF says that 44 aid trucks can be inspected every hour in both crossings combined—the only limit is how much the international organizations send.

The IDF is preparing for the arrival of a humanitarian aid shipment from Cyprus to Gaza, the first of its kind by sea. The charity ship Open Arms, funded by the UAE and Cyprus, is transporting nearly 200 tons of food, coordinated with Israeli authorities and at the request of the US government. The Israeli Navy will inspect the ship at sea, then escort it to Gaza’s coast, where the aid will be transferred to a temporary pier built by the World Central Kitchen (WCK). While the IDF will secure the area, aid distribution will be handled by WCK. This delivery marks a trial for potential future aid convoys, with the IDF also testing direct deliveries to northern Gaza and other nations continuing airdrops.

A little before midnight, the head of Hamas’s PR office told Al Jazeera that there are a hundred dead and wounded in the distribution of humanitarian aid, and claimed it was die to Israeli attacks.

The IDF immediately responded that the reports were false, and no such incident occurred.

Soon after, as reported by Israel Hayom, heads of clans in Gaza who oppose Hamas began to report that Hamas is lying. According to them, no one was killed, and aid isn’t even distributed at night to begin with. Rather, a Hamas home was bombed, with 7 dead and 21 wounded. The clans said, “Hamas is trying to lie to the Arabs of the world in Jerusalem and the West Bank in order to bring about an uprising in Ramadan, it creates events according to its interest.”

Northern Front Updates:

Hezbollah fired at a decreased rate on communities in Israel’s far north, and sent an explosive-laden drone towards Israeli communities, which was quickly intercepted by the Iron Dome.

The IDF responded with airstrikes on Hezbollah positions limited once again to Southern Lebanon, and shelled new Hezbollah positions along the northern border.

The British Telegraph reported that Iran transfers missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon via ships passing through ports in Belgium, Spain, and Italy. The reason for using the sea is because the Israeli Air Force destroys shipments that entered northern Syria by land.

After a situational assessment, the IDF cancelled gatherings on Mount Meron which were scheduled for Sunday to mark Moshe Rabbeinu’s (Moses) passing. Mount Meron has been the target of heavy missile attacks from Hezbollah.

Houthi War Front Updates

Since Thursday morning, Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists fired one anti-ship ballistic missile into the Gulf of Aden, one surface-to-air missile, and four attack drones. The ballistic missile did not impact any vessels, and the other missile and drones were intercepted by the US and UK forces.

Reports in Yemen indicate that the US and UK have attacked at least 14 Houthi terrorism targets in Yemen over the last 24 hours.

The leader of the Houthis, Abdel-Malek Al-Houthi, announced that they will be escalating attacks against Israeli ships, to target not only the the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, but also in the Indian Ocean and South Africa towards the Cape of Good Hope. The Houthis have a notoriously bad record in identifying “Israeli” ships, and have targeted ships from a wide variety of countries with no connection to Israel.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

At least two terrorists attacks were prevented in Judea and Samaria today at the last moment. In one instance, two terrorists armed with a large knife and a sword were caught on their way to the village of Eldad in Gush Etzion. Residents were asked to shut themselves in their homes until the area was thoroughly searched. In the second instance, a 17-year-old was arrested by the security forces outside the fence of of Adora after he was spotted trying to break into the town.

Hamas called for an escalation tomorrow, marking the first Friday of Ramadan,. They appealed to the Palestinian public in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem, and to the Arabs of Israel, with a request to increase attendance at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and stay there “to prevent the occupation’s attempts to defile it and impose its plans.” They also called on the young Palestinians throughout Judea and Samaria and in the neighborhoods of East Jerusalem to come out en masse and riot against the Israeli security forces. Israeli security forces have been coordinating massive groups of up to 80,000 daily, in peaceful prayer at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount.

The United States imposed sanctions on “Moshe’s Farm” in the Jordan Valley and “Zvi’s Farm” in Binyamin, which the State Department claims are used to launch attacks against Palestinians. The US Treasury also announced the imposition of sanctions against three Israelis living in Judea and Samaria: Zvi Bar Yosef, Moshe Sharvit and Naria Ben Fazi, who they claim have been attacking Palestinians.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich in response threatened to collapse the Palestinian economy.

Overnight, the IDF, the Shin Bet and Border Police arrested 13 wanted persons throughout Judea and Samaria, and confiscated two illegal guns and large terrorist funds. In Shechem (Nablus) exchanges of fire broke out between IDF forces and terrorist factions.

Since the beginning of the war, approximately 3,500 wanted persons have been arrested throughout Judea and Samaria, of which over 1,500 are associated with Hamas, and the remainder with various other terror groups.

President of the Palestinian Authority, Mohammad Abbas, this evening charged Dr. Mohammad Mustafa with the formation of the new Palestinian government, as Prime Minister. Mustafa is a close ally of Abbas, and holds a doctorate in economics from George Washington University and worked for 15 years at the World Bank. He also sat on the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Committee since 2022 and has served as the chairman of the Palestine Investment Fund since 2005. This appointment comes after the U.S. demanded of Abbas to reform the corrupt terror-supporting Palestinian Authority government, in order to enforce a two-state solution. Abbas will still hold the position of chairman and president, and pull all the strings.

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