War Day 158: Rockets Barrage in N., Gaza Buffer Zone Nears Completion

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Fifty Eight: No rockets from Hamas, 100 missiles in the North, Netanyahu promises to “finish the job in Rafah,” over 100 terrorists eliminated in Hamad, and the IDF nears completion of the 1 KM buffer zone being created across the length of the Gaza border to protect Israeli communities from another massacre RL.

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

134 held captive in Gaza.
112 hostages freed.
11 hostage bodies rescued.
34 hostages confirmed murdered in Gaza.
1,400+ Israelis murdered.
249 fallen soldiers in the battle in Gaza.
6 fallen soldiers in Northern Israel.
3 fallen soldiers in Judea & Samaria.
14,900 injured.
14,000 rockets fired at Israel.
160,000 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Top Headlines:

  • Qatar threatening to expel Hamas leaders in there is no hostage deal.
  • Escalation continues in the north.
  • Multiple Ramadan terror attacks prevented.

Hostage Updates:

Based on a collection of evidence and ruling by the Military Rabbinate, the IDF announced that Sgt. Itay Chen, 19, who was taken hostage by Hamas, was killed on October 7th after a heroic battle.

According to insider reports, the hostage negotiation talks are back on after Qatar (under extreme pressure from the U.S.) threatened Hamas’s political leaders who are living on Doha, that they will be expelled if no deal comes soon. It’s yet to be seen if Hamas’s military leadership, who are hiding under Gaza, will care about the leaders in Qatar being expelled, enough to agree to a deal. Hamas’s military leader, Yahya Sinwar, is currently getting what he wants even without a deal—increased aid, a paused Israeli maneuver into Rafah, and international pressure on Israel.

Meanwhile, US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, said that: “A six-week ceasefire is on the table, in return for the release of women, adults and wounded hostages. If Hamas responds to the proposal, they will be able to promote a prolonged ceasefire based on it.”

Gaza Front Updates:

Hamas has not successfully fired rockets onto Israeli civilians since Thursday.

Thank G-d, the IDF did not announce the names of any fallen soldiers today.

Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed the crowd at AIPAC, and emphasized that the IDF will “finish the job in Rafah,” and continues to take measures to minimize civilian casualties to an extreme that no other army has ever taken before.

Netanyahu also indirectly addressed the tensions with President Biden, and told the audience: “To our friends in the international community, I say this: you cannot say you support Israel’s right to exist and to defend itself and then oppose Israel when it exercises that right. You cannot say you support Israel’s goal of destroying Hamas and then oppose Israel when it takes the actions necessary to achieve that goal. You cannot say that you oppose Hamas’s strategy of using civilians as human shields and then blame Israel for the civilian casualties that result from this Hamas cynical strategy.”

IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi visited IDF observer soldiers at the border, and recalling events leading up to October 7th when the warnings of observers who noticed unusual behavior in Gaza were brushed off, he told them, “We really trust you. We will investigate, learn and move forward strongly.”

IDF troops are continuing with clearing operations in Northern Gaza.

In Central Gaza, troops discovered and destroyed several rocket launchers which had recently been used to fire rockets at Israel.

In Southern Gaza north of Khan Younis, operations continue in Hamad, where over 100 terrorists were eliminated, and dozens more surrendered over the last week. Troops spotted a four-man Hamas terror cell right before they planted a bomb right near where the IDF soldiers were operating, and called in an airstrike which eliminated them right in time. The IDF had earlier skipped over Hamad, leaving many terrorists with the impression that the small Qatar-built town would be spared, and ultimately making the terror-heavy town an easier capture. Next to Hamad, IDF troops also eliminated a large number of terrorists in Qarara.

To the east of Khan Younis, in the Abasan area, IDF troops have eliminated nearly 100 terrorists who were right on the edge next to the border with Israel. Troops also found and destroyed many major Hamas sites.

The IDF is nearing completion of the 1 KM buffer zone which is being created in Gaza, all the way across the length of the border, in order to protect Israeli communities from another October 7th. To create the buffer zone troops have flattened all infrastructure in the area, and began plowing a road of sorts.

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

207 humanitarian aid trucks were inspected and transferred to Gaza today, 66% carried food, the rest carried medical supplies, water, and shelter equipment.
A convoy of six aid trucks entered the northern Gaza Strip via the new Netzarim military road, which stretches across the width of Gaza, dividing north from south.

The IDF says that the trucks entered via the new road “as part of an experimental pilot in order to prevent Hamas from taking over the aid.”

The German Embassy issued a statement thanking Israel for transferring orphans from Gaza to Judea and Samaria. The statement stated: “As part of a humanitarian operation, 68 Palestinian children, as well as 11 workers and their families, were temporarily evacuated to the orphanage in Bethlehem. We thank Israel for this important humanitarian gesture. Germany continues to stand by Israel and works for the release of all the abductees. We also remain committed to humanitarian aid for the citizens of Gaza. It is important to clarify that the transfer of the orphans is a temporary move, in order to get them out of immediate danger, and not an attempt to transfer them permanently.”

Northern Front Updates:

Hezbollah started off the day with two huge barrages of missiles at Israel’s far northern communities, totaling 100 missiles before 7am. A large number of Iron Dome interceptions were seen, and the rest landed empty spaces. Several more large barrages followed throughout the day.

The IDF Air Force attacked Hezbollah positions in Lebanon both in the south (as is the usual) with a small number deep into Northeastern Lebanon in at least two towns in the Baalbek District. Of the sites targeted in the north the IDF said. “Hezbollah used these sites to store significant assets used to strengthen its weapons arsenal.”

In an uncommon admission the IDF announced that it struck two Syrian Army sites in southern Syria earlier today, where Hezbollah terrorists were operating. The IDF explained that Hezbollah has begun a new project to establish itself in the Syrian Golan Heights, with the help of the Syrian army, by embedding small outposts within Syrian army positions. The airstrike was carried out using “precise intelligence which incriminated the infrastructure,”

The IDF says that it “holds the Syrian regime accountable for all activities which take place within its territory and will not allow for any attempted actions which could lead to the entrenchment of Hezbollah on the Syrian front.”

Since the beginning of the war, the IDF struck 4,500 Hezbollah targets, mostly in Lebanon, but also in Syria. The IDF estimates to have eliminated 300 Hezbollah terrorists, including 5 senior commanders, and injured 750 terrorists.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah met with a Hamas delegation led by Khalil al-Hiya (Sinwar’s deputy). The parties discussed the situation in Gaza and Judea and Samara, and the “many support fronts.”

Houthi War Front Updates

Houthi spokesman Yahya Sarie claimed in a speech that the terror group will escalate its operations during the month of Ramadan as an act of expressing solidarity with the Palestinians. Sarie also confirmed that the Houthis attacked an American ship in the Red Sea last night.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

Tensions have risen right along with the start of Ramadan. Small groups of Palestinian youth in Shuafat have been rioting and throwing fireworks and explosives at vehicles on the street. 5 Palestinians were arrested.

This morning, the IDF arrested a terrorist in Kfar Zita who was on his way to carry out a large attack.

In Givati Ronen, Samaria, a terrorist attempted to stab an Israeli, but failed and fled the scene.

In overnight raids, IDF soldiers, Border Police, and the Shin Bet confiscated six lathes for the production of weapons and confiscated another one in a targeted operation to thwart terrorist infrastructure in the village of Orif, Samaria. All the suspects were transferred for interrogation and further treatment in the security system. In addition, the forces confiscated a large number of drones and incendiary materials, as well as flags of terrorist organizations, military equipment, weapon parts, and more.

During the day, in broad daylight, the IDF operated in Jenin and arrested a wanted man who carried out shooting and bomb attacks, as well as ten other wanted terrorists from throughout Judea and Samaria. In Jenin, troops found and confiscated four lathes for the production of weapons.

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