War Day 145: 7 Soldiers Injured in Booby-Trap, Heavy Barrage in N.

A Kiryat Shemona home, hit by a rocket today.

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Forty-Five: two soldiers were killed and seven others badly injured as a result of an explosion in a booby-trapped building, Israel’s far north has become incredibly dangerous with heavy showers of rockets hitting daily, and Hamas rejected the latest hostage release offer.

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Forty-Five:

134 held captive in Gaza.
112 hostages freed.
11 hostage bodies rescued.
33 hostages confirmed murdered in Gaza.
1,400+ Israelis murdered.
242 fallen soldiers in the battle in Gaza.
6 fallen soldiers in Northern Israel.
3 fallen soldiers in Judea & Samaria.
14,900 injured.
13,400 rockets fired at Israel.
160,000 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Hostage Updates:

After a deal proposal was agreed to by Israel and the negotiating parties—namely, Qatar and the USA, Hamas turned it down.

The proposal included a six week pause in fighting, and the release of 404 terrorists, amongst them many who murdered Jews.

Hamas claims that while they rejected the proposed deal, they are still open to negotiations. Israel does not see any progress forthcoming, but hasn’t yet fully withdrawn from talks.

Gaza Front Updates:

Hamas fired rockets twice at Israeli civilians in the Gaza border communities early Wednesday morning. No injuries were reported.

The IDF announced the names of two heroes who fell in battle in Gaza:

Maj. Iftah Shahar, 25, from Moshav Paran
Cpt. Itai Seif, 24, from Yeruham

Iftah and Itai, from the Tzabar Battalion, were killed and seven others from their unit were seriously injured as a result of an explosion in a booby-trapped building in Zeitoun, Gaza City, on Tuesday.

Battles in Gaza have been fierce over the last day, with dozens of terrorists eliminated across the Strip. Overnight, the IDF carried out airstrikes on eight significant targets in the area from where rockets were fired at Ashkelon yesterday, as well as several other sites, including tunnel shafts.

The IDF is battling on ground in Zeitoun in Gaza City, in specific areas of Central Gaza, and in Khan Younis—particularly to the east, including suburbs.

Hamas leader, Ismail Haniya called on the Arab world to stop the IDF’s maneuver into Rafah. “The Arab world must act to prevent starvation in Gaza. The world and especially the Arab countries must prevent an invasion of Rafah. Any flexibility we show in negotiations is done to end the pain with our people.”

There are four Hamas battalions remaining in Rafah, and the IDF and Israeli War Cabinet are committed to destroying them in order to achieve the goals of the war and ensure that an attack like October 7th cannot happen again.

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

221 trucks carrying humanitarian aid were inspected and transferred to the Gaza Strip today. Despite attempts by protesters to block the trucks, 147 were inspected and transferred via Kerem Shalom, and 74 trucks were inspected at Nitzana.

4 tankers of cooking gas and 3 tankers of fuel designated for the operation of essential infrastructure in Gaza, entered the Gaza Strip.

74 packages with dozens of tons of food were airdropped over Gaza, in a coordinated effort by Jordan, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and France. 4 packages were designated to the Jordanian field hospital.

24 World Food Program (WFP) food trucks are expected to enter the Gaza Strip via the Jordanian Channel.

In Rafah, masked Gazan men who say they are unaffiliated with Hamas, were seen guarding supermarkets and enforcing prices to prevent gauging.

Northern Front Updates:

Israel’s far north has become incredibly dangerous, with heavy showers of rockets primarily from Hezbollah, but also from Hamas and other terror groups in Lebanon. A majority of homes in northern border communities have been damaged by the attacks.

Hamas took credit for one of the northern barrages today, claiming that they fired 40 Grad rockets at IDF bases near Kiryat Shemona. The IDF only identified 15 rockets that crossed the border in the incident, implying that Lebanon’s Hamas either has a near 60% failure rate, or also enjoys making up numbers.

The IDF struck Hamas’s rocket launcher, and dozens of Hezbollah targets in Southern Lebanon, including a cell of terrorists.

The Syrian state-run SANA news agency says that several sites near Damascus were targeted by the Israeli Air Force, only causing “material losses.” The agency also claimed that Syrian air defenses intercepted most of the missiles dropped by the Israeli warplanes. The IDF has not responded to these claims, and doesn’t usually speak about attacks in Syria.

Later, different news outlets reported that both Hezbollah and Iranian officers were killed in an attack near Damascus.

Houthi War Front Updates:

The U.S. Central Command reported intercepting five attack drones over the Red Sea, all from the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

The IDF carried out a counter-terrorism operation in Jenin overnight, to arrest a wanted person and uncover roadside bombs planted by terrorists. During the operation, gunmen attacked the IDF troops, who in turn carried out an air strike, moderately wounding one terrorist.

Across Judea and Samaria, an additional 9 wanted persons were arrested for their connection to terror groups, and several illegal weapons were confiscated.

Since October 7, the IDF arrested 3,400 wanted Palestinians across Judea and Samaria, of which more than 1,500 were affiliated with Hamas, and the remainder with other terror groups.

Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas who lives in Qatar, called on Palestinians in Judea and Samaria to barricade themselves at the al-Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount at the beginning of Ramadan.

The US continued to pressure Israel to relax security on Temple Mount during Ramadan month, to allow easy access to Muslim worshippers.

International Updates:

In a joint statement, the Emir of Qatar and the President of France pledged to help the Palestinians with 200 million dollars.

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